part 45

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" thankyou for coming! " i said to our last customer as i closed the door behind her and flipped the ' open ' sign to 'closed'. " well i think we've done pretty well for our first day!" fred exclaimed. " amazing? it was bloody brilliant!" lee shouted as he ran to me and hugged me as i laughed. " get down!" george suddenly shouted as he lunged towards me and pulled me to the floor, holding me close to his chest. he quickly grabbed his wand and closed the blinds and turned off all the lights, locking the doors before we heard loud screaming and glass smashing. " what's happening? " i asked quietly as fred crawled over to lee and wrapped his arms around his shoulders. " it's alright. we'll all be alright " fred shushed and that's when i noticed that lee was shaking and clutching his chest. " lee, lee look at me " i said loud enough for him to hear. " lee listen to me, breathe okay? come on, just breathe deep breaths " i said as he began doing what i said. " you're doing great, you're going to be okay " my voice shook as there was more screaming and crying. my eyes squeezed shut as i tried to keep myself calm, as well as lee.

when there had been a deafening silence for long enough, we all snuck upstairs in the dark until we reached the flat. i opened the door and lit my wand, illuminating the room. " come on, we're okay " i breathed as i switched on the lights. everyone followed in as i walked to all of the windows and closed the curtains. " what happened?" i asked as i walked back. " death eaters ". " shit, your dad warned me about this but it totally slipped my mind " i gasped as george dashed to me and wrapped me in his arms. " darling, this is not your fault. we're safe, the shop is safe. it's okay ". after we had calmed down and george had got us all a drink, we sat at the table and spoke about what would happen if something happened to weasley's wizard wheezes. i was sat on george's lap and his arms were wrapped around my waist as his chin was on my shoulder. i rested my head on his as he leant up and kissed me. i looked back to lee and saw he was already watching us, his face lit up with a big smile on it. i smiled back and blushed a little bit. " it's so good to see you two back together " he sighed, still smiling. " yeah, they were miserable without each other, weren't they " fred chuckled. " oh definitely ".


it was like a bombsite in diagon alley now; most of the shops had been destroyed by the death eaters attack yesterday. i was out there currently, looking around in the damage. " oh no, mr olivander " i gasped as i walked towards his shop and saw the windows completely empty with no signs of life inside. my heart broke at the sight of people cleaning up the glass and rubble from outside their shops. i saw someone outisde flourish and blott's sat on the floor with his head in his hands, shoulder's shaking slightly. " can i do anything to help you?" i asked as i nealt down beside him. he looked up at me and shook his head. " there's no use, no spell could fix this mess " he cried, wiping his eyes. the man was only young, didn't look much older than the twins. " my dad loved this place, how am i supposed to tell him that it's gone and he's got nothing ". i put an arm around his shoulder as he moved into me. he was cold to the touch, seeming like he had been out in the early morning chill for hours. " let's get you inside, somewhere warm " i whispered as i helped him up. he was a lot taller than me so he towered over me as i walked him back to the shop. " you know the weasley twins? " he asked as we approached the entrance. " i'm with george and i live with them, yes " i replied as he stared in awe at the shop, the mid sunrise reflecting on the windows. " are you sure they won't mind you bringing in a stranger to their flat? ". " they'll understand " i said as i locked the door behind us and walked him up to the flat.

" where else can she be at half five in the fucking morning?" i heard george snap as fred sighed. " if the death eaters had come, we would've woken up to the noise and this place would be trashed ". i opened the door and they all snapped their heads towards me. " there you are " george breathed as he rushed towards me and hugged me tightly, breathing heavily. " i'm okay and i have someone here with me " i explained when he had pulled away. i turned around and walked to the door, out to the banister on the stairs. " you can come up, you know " i chuckled as he smiled and ran up the stairs. " this is toby, he's the son of the man who owns flourish and blott's " i said as i walked back to them. " " hello, nice to meet you. this is my twin george, i'm fred and this is lee " fred shook his hand,  closely followed by george and lee.

we had gotten to know toby, he was a really nice guy and it turns out, he had only left hogwarts a year ago. " my dad owns flourish and blott's, i'm not sure how i'm supposed to tell him that everything he holds most dear is now gone. he's not even in the country, he's away for a week and asked me to keep an eye on it " he sighed, looking down at the table. " it's alright, mate. write him a letter and you can stay with us today, i'm sure we can find something for you to do to keep your mind off it " fred said as george nodded, taking my hand in his under the table. " i'll do anything to help you, just give me random jobs. i don't like sitting around doing nothing " he complained as we all let out small laughs. " you could help y/n on the tills " george suggested as i nodded slightly. " yeah that's fine, i expect everyone will be coming to get their school supplies today anyone so i'll need the help ".

we had opened for the day and like yesterday, there was a long line of people waiting to get in- almost everybody we knew. toby and i were stood at the tills as lee opened the doors. i saw cormac mclaggen enter and he immediately set eyes on me and winked. i grimaced at the sight as toby laughed. more students piled in as well as well as families. " y/n! " i heard squeaky voice shout as i then saw a  little girl running to me as fast as she could. 

toby's pov

everybody was so welcoming to me when y/n found me in the alley and took me inside. i had owled my father, explaining what had happened and was anxious for his reply. george and fred had managed to take my mind off it by telling me all about their products and how they work. i was working on till duty with y/n temporarily for the day, i already knew the basics from running the bookshop. customers started filling up the shop as we stood waiting for purchases when y/n's name was called and a little girl came running to her. i caught the twins looking down on her as y/n crouched down and scooped the little girl into her arms, spinning her around. " enola!". enola, what a curious name. " i got you a present! " enola called out excitedly as, who i assumed was her mother, came over and chuckled whilst handing over a small green, leather box wrapped with a ribbon. " it's a thankyou, for taking care of my little girl yesterday " the older woman said. " oh you didn't have to! it's no bother, she's a wonderful little girl and if you ever need a babysitter then you know where to find me" y/n smiled as the tiny figure in her arms cheered loudly. " thank you, anyways it's only a small thing but i thought you might like it to go with your necklace " the mother said, handing her the box. 

y/n placed enola on the floor carefully and opened the box, revealing a elegant thin silver snake ring with small but detailed emerald green eyes. i looked up to the bright haired twins and saw them watching the scene with bright and happy faces; especially george. he looked at y/n with so much love and admiration, i could already see that from just spending a few hours with the both of them. i noticed that quite frequently he would steal glances at her or just sit and watch anything she does. if she laughed, his face lit up with a smile. if she caught him staring, he wouldn't even try to cover it- he'd just continue which made her get flustered and blush a lot. i idolised their love, even though i had hardly seen it, i idolised it from the parts i had seen. y/n placed the ring on her finger and admired it before picking up enola again and hugged her tightly, visually relaxing when enola made the most adorable laugh. " thankyou, darling ". " you're welcome sissy!". " she's been calling you sissy ever since she met you yesterday, there's only her and her older brother. she's always wanted an older sister, her brother doesn't really pay any attention to her " her mother explained. " well i'd love to take the role of a big sister, if that's okay with you " she whispered as the girl in her arms nodded enthusiastically. y/n was going to be the best mum one day. 

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