part 54

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" i'm going to the bookshop guys! i'll be back later " i shouted and tied my laces as the twins and lee came running down the hall. " can we come? " lee asked breathlessly. " you guys want to come to a bookshop with me? ". they all nodded. " but i'm going to be reading-". " we are too! you can pick out books for us to read " fred said nodding as george and lee also nodded. " alright, come on " i laughed as they smiled and rushed to put their shoes on. " this is going to be so fun ". " no it's going to be a nightmare " i said under my breath as george nudged me. " it will be now love ".

the bell dinged as i opened the door and peered inside. " well if it isn't my prettiest and favourite customer! " the familiar young boy, ben, spoke up as he laid his book down on the desk. he had brown curly hair and bright blue eyes; he was very muscular but gentle at the same time. " good morning ben " i smiled as i walked over to him whilst george, fred and lee stood in the same place in front of the door looking around with their mouths slightly open. ben gave them a weird look as i giggled. " never been to a bookshop before, they didn't even go to the library in school " i explained as his mouth dropped dramatically. " no way! really? ". " really! the man with the black hair is called lee, he's our best friend and those two twins are fred and george ". " how do you tell them apart? they're literally the same person! " ben chuckled. " it's pretty easy if you look carefully. mind you, i have known them since i was eleven ". " what are the differences? " he asked curiously. " fred tells jokes a lot more and he has a slightly higher voice than george. george has a darker tone in his eyes and he has a bump on his nose, he's the smarter twin ( not by a lot ) and he's also the more practical and down to earth twin but they're both very sociable and enthusiastic but you'll be able to tell the difference if you get to know them " i smiled, watching the three of them walk through the isles. " you speak very highly of them, george particularly " the shopkeeper smirked. " yeah, i did didn't i " i smiled as he nodded. " well he's my boyfriend so i'd be a pretty bad partner if i told you he's the crappiest person i've ever met " i said as ben burst out laughing.

" who's the crappiest person you've ever met? not talking about me are you? " an all too familiar voice said behind me as an arm slipped around my waist, surprising me. " definitely not you " i smiled. " i'm the same with my boyfriend, he's upstairs at the moment " he smiled as george kissed my cheek and slid something into my hand. " you'd like this, my love ". it ends with us- colleen hoover. " thank you, my sweet " i said as i read the back cover. " fred no no no no! " lee's calls could be heard from the other side of the shop just before there was a load crash and a groan of pain. " shit " i mumbled as i ran to where fred was and saw one of the reading tables on its side alongside the chairs. " what did you do? " i asked sharply as he looked at me with a sheepish look on his face. " y/n i'm sorry i didn't mean to i-". " fred, what happened? ". " i rested my feet on it and was pushing it up but i accidentally pushed it too far and it fell " he said in a low voice as ben came over and chuckled. " it's fine y/n honestly, it's not the first time this has happened ". " i'm really sorry ben, i'll help you set it back up ". " no you're not, it's fine ". " ben pl-". " no, end of " he chuckled as he walked back to the desk and went up some stairs only to return a few moments later with a shorter black haired man. " hi! you must be... y/n? " he greeted me with a kiss on my cheek and a hug. " yes that's me and this is george, lee and fred ". " lovely to meet you all, i'm tyler " he replied smiling as he peered up at ben with his eyes full of love and admiration.

ben and tyler had set up the table again and we spent the remainder of the day with them, on ben's request. when i had given them the money for the book, we decided it was best for us to head back to the shop for the rest of the evening. i opened the door to the flat and heard an owl. i looked towards to the window and saw a pure white snowy owl. " hedwig? ". she hooted again and stuck out her leg, showing me the letter attached to her leg. i walked over and gently removed the string tied around her leg and took the letter as she fluttered up and sat on my shoulder. fred set some treats out on the table and she flew up over to them and began eating. " who's that from? " he asked as i read the writing on the envelope. i recognised the large cursive letters immediately. " dumbledore ".

'  miss black,
i hope you are well and are having fun with your job in the extraordinary shop mr and mr weasley have.

there's a staffing position that has recently opened up that i would like you to consider taking. it is for the care of magical creatures post and it would only be for this term until professor hagrid is able to continue teaching in this decree again. i have come to you straight away as i and the other hogwarts professors agree that you have had enough training and that you are advanced enough to teach for the present timing. you would be housed on the premises of the school, just like you were at your time here.

it would really be an honour to have you back, especially as a professor. if you could accept, or decline this invitation as soon as possible then it would be greatly appreciated.

hope to see you soon,
Albus Dumbledore
Headmaster at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry '

" he wants me to go back to hogwarts and teach care of magical creatures for a term until hagrid gets back " i told them, sitting down on the sofa and placing the letter in front of me on the coffee table. " what? that's great! " lee said excitedly. " i would be leaving you guys and living at hogwarts too ". " oh... " george said, his voice low. " we'll be back soon " i stood up and slipped my hand in george's, leading him to our room and closing the door to have a civilised discussion about my choice and what to do.

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