part 73

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george and i had stayed at the waterfall for about an hour more before we decided to head back. " george? y/n? is that you? " lee called as the kitchen door at the end of the long hallway. striding over to us, he engulfed me in a hug. " god i've been so worried. i didn't know what to think when that bloody patronus jumped through  the damn door ". " sorry " i whispered into his neck. he pulled away and grabbed my shoulders, forcing me to stay face to face with him. he removed one hand and pointed a finger in front of me. " don't you ever run out like that again, do you hear me? not ever " he said sternly. i nodded as he grasped my chin. " do you hear me? " he repeatedly, leaving a small pause after each word. " yes, okay ". 

" lee gave her space, she doesn't need us down her throats too " fred spoke up, pulling me back by my shoulders. " i'm sorry " i said again, loudly. " alright, alright, alright " george said, breaking the other conversations up. he came and stood in front of me and cupped my face before kissing me. " it's okay, everything is okay. you have nothing to be sorry for; lee was just worried but now he's going to stop jumping down your throat because he knows your safe, right lee? ". " yeah, yeah of course " lee smiled in response as i smiled back and began to head upstairs. " i'm just going to take a shower ". 

i had removed my clothes and turned on the water; stepping in and letting the hot drops consume and soak my skin. wetting my hair and lathering shampoo onto it, i massaged it into my scalp and all through the ends of my hair. i rinsed it out and cleansed my body before washing my face. i heard the door open and saw someone come in. " sorry love! just had to brush my teeth ". " lee, there's a million other bathrooms in this house " i scolded as we both laughed. " yeah but i want all the details " he said, putting his brush in his mouth. " details of what? " i laughed as he stuck his head around the shower curtain. " sex life " he smirked and raised his eyebrows, making me laugh. " no, absolutely not ". " oh come on! i'm meant to be your best friend! " he whined, pulling the curtain open slightly and jumping up onto the sink counter were we could still see each other. " you are my best friend- ". " so therefore, you have to tell me " he said, looking proud of himself as i rolled my eyes. 

" alright here then. how about, i ask you questions and you just answer them " he chuckled as i groaned. " do we have to? ". " yes " he grinned. i groaned again as he laughed whole heartedly. lee cleared his throat and put on his best game show voice before speaking again. " on today's episode of sex talks is y/n black! who's boyfriend, now fiancée is quite the sex addict-". " oh my god " i laughed as he shushed me. " question time! " lee exclaimed as he finished brushing his teeth and rinsed his mouth with water.  

" when was the first time you had sex with george? ". " night of the christmas party ". " oh my god! where? ". " oh god- in the room of requirement " i whispered as he screamed. " keep your voice down! they'll hear you! ". " y/n black, you shady lady " he laughed as i turned the water off and wrapped a towel around me. " has he ever used anything on you? ". " lee! ". " what? i'm just curious! ". i shoved his shoulder playfully. " so has he? ". i could feel a rush of heat coming up neck and flushing my cheeks as i smiled giddily. " oh my god! oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. what has he used! ". " stop fucking shouting or i wont tell you " i laughed as he slapped a hand over his mouth. " well it- it was only once and he's not used anything since but he- ". " spit it out woman ". " heusedaknife- ". 

it all came out in a rush but lee understood every single word of it; he stood in silence for a moment before running out of the room and screaming in the hallway at the top of his voice and then dropping to his knees. i rushed out and the others ran up the stairs. i gripped him by his arm as the boys stopped when they saw him. " what happened? " fred asked, coming and sitting in front of lee. " i don't know! we were- we were talking and then he ran out and screamed and dropped to his knees. i don't- i don't know! " i rushed as george stood by my side and held me. 

lee composed himself and turned his head to look at me. " oh. my. god " he breathed as his eyes flickered between george and i. " you can let go now, i'm fine " he laughed as i forcefully shoved his arm down. " ow! what was that for? ". " you're an asshole! why would you do that ". " what... what did i do? " he replied, looking around at everyone.  " no one come after me " i said quietly as i got up and walked back into the bathroom. 

i exfoliated and put on my moisturizers before brushing my teeth and changing into my pj's. i left the bathroom to see everyone was stood waiting for me. " i guess we're even now " lee shrugged, smirking as i rolled my eyes and smiled. " yeah. i guess we are ". " george? did you actually use a knife on y/n when you had sex? " lee asked george as we both went bright red again as toby and fred burst out laughing. " i'm going to kill you " i said as his smile dropped. " oh no ". " yeah, oh no " i mimicked as he ran for the stairs. i ran after him and chased him all through the house until i had him cornered with no where to go. " you know what happens now " i laughed as george, fred and toby joined us. " you ready, boys? " i asked them as they all replied yes. 

we left him waiting in anticipation for a while before jumping in together and tickling him as he couldn't breathe from laughing too much. " this is what happens when you do that, jordan. you should know that by now " fred laughed as lee was gasping heavily.  

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