part 50

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⚠️mentions of blood, injury⚠️

* continuation from part 49*

after george and charlie had cleaned my wounds and changed my clothes, i went to ron and saw the damage to his body. he had a large hole of missing material in most of his clothes but all of his wounds had also been treated. he met my eyes as i stroked his head and scratched his head lightly. he relaxed at the feeling and a very faint smile came across his face. " thankyou " he croaked, tears filling his eyes as i gently wiped some ash from his face. " thankyou for- for not giving up on me ". " you really thought i was going to leave you in there? not a chance " i replied as he chuckled softly. " is everyone else okay? what's the house like? ". " everyone's fine, we're all okay " i said as i looked up to the building they once called home. " and so is the house?... " i questioned as i saw it was close to being back to it's original state. " how? " i whispered as mr and mrs weasley joined us again.

" nothing's impossible with a bit of magic, my dear " arthur smiled, hugging his wife and kissing her cheek. i looked over and saw fred, harry, hermione, ginny, lupin and tonks all piling out of the burrow. " good news! the house is now livable again! " fred declared as hermione made her way over. " how- how is he? " she asked warily, sitting down on the other side of him. " he's okay, just a bit shaken i think " i replied as ron looked up at her and instantly began to sob. he stretched out his arm and lightly pulled hermione down towards him, resting her head on his chest. " i thought i was going to die " he sobbed as tears fell down her cheeks too. " hey, y/n wouldn't have let that happen " hermione said, tilting her head up and resting her chin on his chest instead looking at him. " i'm so sorry ron, i thought you had followed harry out. i- i didnt't know you were- " ron interrupted her sobbed apology by gently placing his hand on her cheek and pulling her up before kissing her.

" i love you " he whispered against her lips and kissed her again. i stood up and heard mrs weasley let out a little cry of joy as george wrapped his arms around me. " about time, don't you think? " he said lowly as he kissed my neck lightly. " definitely " i replied as i leaned into him, instantly getting the feeling of home again. " i need a girlfriend " i heard charlie sigh beside us. " hey, you have the dragons! " i exclaimed as he boomed with laughter. a throat cleared behind us as i turned around and saw lupin and tonks standing there. " y/n, can we talk? " the worn out man said sheepishly. " what, so you can tell me that i'm not family to you? that dad meant absolutely nothing to you? pfft, please " i scoffed as george tugged my hand and walked me inside, followed by ron and hermione, ginny and harry, and fred and charlie. " what's his deal? he can't say what he said earlier and then expect you to talk to him again " harry said, looking around the living room and kitchen. i nodded before heading upstairs, taking a shower and getting into bed with george and falling into a surprisingly peaceful sleep, wrapped up in his arms. 


after a relaxed couple of days at the burrow, it was time for us to head back to the shop ready for the opening on the fifth of january. fred and george have decided that they're throwing a party for new years and everyone was all for it, apart from mr and mrs weasley. not that they knew of course but they were also going away for a few days so ron insisted that " what they don't know, won't hurt them ". there's quite a few people invited, mainly friends from hogwarts but still a flat full.

" home, sweet home " fred sighed as he flopped himself down on the sofa, closing his eyes before he had george running to him and jumping on him. " boys, no boys! " i squealed as i saw the deep blue comforter fall backwards; which ended up with the twins sprawled out on the floor, groaning in between fits of laughter. " i need peace and quiet, i'll be back soon. love you! " i laughed as i walked out into diagon alley and was met with the cold wind whipping my face and the snow covered grounds. i chuckled to myself as i saw a family of four having a snowball fight in the middle of the street. the children's laughter being the most precious thing in this world, in this moment. " team up? " the husband asked his wife as she nodded and ran to him, avoiding her children's snow attack on the way. he laughed and kissed her before pretending to throw some snow at the children but shoving it in the mother's face instead. this, of course, made the children burst out into a fit of giggles as they watched their parents playing around. 

i made my way to the small, concealed bookshop tucked away in the corner of the street and greeted the owner as the small bell that rung above the door made my entrance known. " hello lovely " a young boy smiled from the counter. " good evening " i replied as he went back to his book. i stomped the snow off my boots onto the mat and made my way through the isles of stacked bookcases. i ran my fingers over the spines of each book, completely mesmerized by how detached from reality you can get from words on a page, the deep emotions those specific sentences could make you feel, the overwhelming feeling when you finish the book you were so attached to just a few seconds ago. 

i was pulled away from my trance by the young boy at the counter waving his hand in front of my eyes and chuckling. " oh uhm, sorry i was a bit out of it then " i laughed as he nodded. " yeah i could tell ". " i thought you might like this " he smiled, holding a book out to me before speaking. " i can tell you'll like it " he continued confidently. " oh yeah? ". " yeah, i can tell you love reading by the way you're so gentle with the books. you don't bend the covers round and ruin the spine, you don't curl the corners of pages to mark your spot, you turn the pages so delicately ". " well yeah, you're right. i do love reading " i said quietly as i read the first couple of pages of the book he had handed me. " i'm getting very romantic, dating and happy endings type vibes from you that's then mixed with vibes that sometimes you like things that are more on the adventurous side, summer romances, leaving each other only to find each other again a few years down the line and remembering straight away because come on! it was obviously love in the first place, right? " he exclaimed beaming and doing a weird hand gesture throughout the whole speech, as he lent against the bookshelves and crossed his arms at his chest whilst smiling proudly down at me. " i uhm, i- yeah " i breathed, laughing as he nodded. " i told you! " he sang as he walked away. " that's on the house by the way! " he called from the counter, leaving me speechlessly confused in the middle of the secluded isle. 

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