part 37

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" i'll see you soon, promise me you'll write and we'll meet? " lee said, hugging me goodbye on platform 9 3/4. " i promise " i replied. " be safe, i love you " he whispered as he began to cry. " lee, i love you too! please don't cry " i begged as i pulled away from him, seeing tears forming in his eyes. he pouted and laughed as a couple fell. " i'm sorry, i just don't know if i'll see you again for a while ". " what? what do you mean?" i questioned. " lee, we haven't spoken to her about it yet " fred butted in. " oh my gosh, i'm so sorry. i've just spoiled it " he chuckled as he hugged me again. " spoiled what? boys? " i asked as he pulled away. " we'll tell you later " george replied, hugging lee. " i'm not going to see you until next term " i chuckled. " ah, about that. we're not coming back to hogwarts " fred lowered his voice and i felt my heart break. " you- you're not coming back?" my voice cracked. " love, don't be upset. you'll still see us " george said, rubbing my back.

" we'll give you two a minute " fred said, leaving after saying goodbye to me. i nodded and turned to george. " well, this is it " he sighed as i looked up and saw tears glistening his eyes. " don't say it " i whispered, my eyes stinging-" please ". " love " his voice croaked as i looked down and shook my head. " you're coming to the burrow " he blurted. " wha- what?" i breathed. " tomorrow, you're coming to the burrow. you're spending break with us, it's already been planned " he smiled slightly, taking my hands in his. " you really thought that i was going to leave you on the platform without you knowing when i was next going to see you? crazy " he chuckled as i sighed a breath of relief and wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. " jump love " he whispered as i did so and he caught my legs. i wrapped them around his torso as he put his arms tightly around my waist. " i also have a surprise when you get there " he said when i pulled away, him still holding me up. he put his forehead against mine as we both smiled deeply. " come on, everyone's waiting ". he put me down and we walked back to everyone. i greeted the weasley family before there was a tap on my shoulder. i spun around and saw remus stood there. my eyes immediately teared up, knowing he was going to look after me.        " hey pup " he croaked as i hugged him and let him cry into my shoulder, rubbing his shoulders.

" right. are you ready? " remus asked once he had spoken to the weasleys. i nodded as mrs weasley engulfed me in a hug. " i'll see you tomorrow " she smiled before going back to her children. i laughed as i waved and ran at the wall. " we're going to go to grimmauld place for today, okay? you can look through your fathers possessions " the scarred man said once we got through.


" he looked at this photo every day " i heard a voice behind me as i had just picked up a framed picture of olly, aidan, mum, dad and myself. i smiled softly and started to tear up as aidan waved frantically at the camera whilst we all laughed and sirius kissed mother's head.      " he had another smaller copy that he had on him everyday too ". " really? " i sniffled, turning to face my ' step-father '. " really " he nodded.       " he loved you a lot you know, he didn't want to leave your family but they forced him ". " i know about everything, you don't have to explain " i reassured as i heard his voice cracking. he nodded and left, leaving me alone with my misery in my dad's bedroom. i sorted through his stuff like remus told me, seeing if i wanted to throw anything away.; there was nothing. i wanted to hold on to every last piece of him. i found a letter addressed to george; as badly as i wanted to open it, i held back and just put it in my pocket to give to him tomorrow.

i heard a loud clutter downstairs so i ran down and saw remus sat on the kitchen floor, pots and pans surrounding him as he had his head in his hands. " i-i'm sorry, i was ju- just trying to get a pot out to make us some pasta and t-they all fell out-". " hey hey hey, it's okay. don't worry about it, it's perfectly fine " i hushed as i sat down next to him, pulling him into me.        " i've got it, alright? let me do it ". i cleared everything away and began making our pasta. i never thought about how much of an effect dad's death would be on remus; i was so caught up on grieving myself that i never once thought about how he must be feeling. sure i had thought about him, but i only thought about the good parts like how happy he made my father. i can't imagine how unbearable it would be to lose the person you love so deeply and live a life without the person you were supposed to grow old with. i internally vowed to myself that i would never allow myself to cause that pain for my lifetime partner, whoever that may be. obviously, i knew that life was inevitable and there was no stopper to an untimely death but i vowed, that no one could ever feel so much pain over me. i wouldn't allow it for as long as i live.

i served our food and sat down in the chair opposite. i smiled slightly as i looked at sirius' empty chair at the end of the table, in between remus and i. " he would be so proud of you already " he spoke up when he saw me looking. i smiled and looked down at the food in front of me. there was no way i was going to be able to eat this without throwing up. " aren't you eating, pup? ". " i'm not that hungry, we ate before we left " i lied, poking my fork around it. he nodded and began eating his, making small talk to ease the miserable air that clung to our bodies like lungs cling onto oxygen to live.         " can i ask you something?" i said quietly as he finished eating. " of course " he smiled. " can i call you dad? " i said quickly as i drew in a sharp breath. " i would love nothing better " he stood up, walking round to my side of the table and embracing me tightly. " come on, it's late. let's get to bed " he whispered as we walked to the stairs with our arms still wrapped around each other. " goodnight pup, sleep well ".           " good night ".


i had just side- apparated from grimmauld place to the burrow's gate. the familiar feeling of nausea and dizziness disappeared as quickly as it had come before i heard the door squeak open and a tall, broad shouldered, muscly, freckled red-headed boy came and stopped abruptly a long way from us. more red-heads piled out of the house behind him. " doll face! " the first one shouted as he ran towards me, wrapping his arms around me tightly and picking me up to spin me around. " merlin, i've missed you " he whispered as my feet were firmly on the ground again however still embraced by charlie. " hey " i laughed as he pulled me into him and bent my spine backwards as his body towered over mine. i let me head fall back as i laughed when he brought me back up. " we have a lot to talk about " he breathed. " oh we definitely do " i laughed again as mr weasley came to greet remus and i.

" are you sure you're going be okay at grimmauld place alone? " i asked as he said his goodbyes. " kingsley has offered me a place to stay at his home. he's practically forcing me to live with him so i'm not alone on full moons " he said cheerfully but the smile soon slipped off of his face as he thought about the full moon. " when's the next one? ". " two days " he replied sadly. " i'm sorry, dad ". " no don't be, pup. as long i take the wolfsbane potion i should be okay. come here " he opened his arms for me to fill the space between them.       " i'll see you very soon, okay? i love you ". " i love you too "- and with, he stepped outside of the gate and with a loud crack, he was gone. i walked back to charlie as we both walked to the rest of the weasley family. " george, i found this in dad's room. i haven't read it " i handed him the letter as he opened it and read it immediately. i was talking to mrs weasley when george tapped my shoulder and nodded his head behind me as he started walking away in that direction. i turned back to molly as she smiled and said " go ". i nodded slightly and followed as he led us all the way to the end of the garden where no one could hear us. " love, i think this is more for you " he handed me the letter back as i slowly opened it and read. my heart swelled at every word.

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