part 38

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* continuation from part 37*
                   ⚠️mentions of rape⚠️

" what did you and dad write to each other about? " i asked, smiling at the letter. " oh you know, stuff " he replied as i raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms over my chest. he leaned against a tree and looked down at me, laughing slightly and looking away again when he saw how i was stood. " alright, i'll tell you " he put his hands up in the air beside his head, like a surrender. " you. we spoke about the order too; but mainly you " he smiled, looking back at me. " and why were you talking to my dad about me, may i ask?". " well, he wrote to me first; actually he sent me a howler in the middle of class but he mainly wrote to me to tell me what his opinions on what i did to you but he warmed up to me when i... explained some ideas to him ". " oh this can't be good " i laughed. he explained what my father had said to him when he, let's say- voiced his opinions and i couldn't help but snicker at the thought of my dad's screaming echoing throughout an entire classroom, leaving george in a completely embarrassed and flustered state.

" doll face! get over here!" we heard charlie shout as george grabbed my hand and ran towards him. " what's up, dragon- slayer?".       " hey i don't slay dragons i actually just train them and keep them safe from being hunted but that's besides the point and you need to come with me " he said, cramming his words into one small breath. " you should tell people you slay dragons, it sounds much cooler " i replied as george held back a laugh in shock at what i said. " and what? " i chuckled. " besides the point, you need to come with me " he repeated. i turned to george as he nodded. " we kind of- well- fred and i planned something that you need to be gone for because you can't see our preparations soooo big brother charlie here, is taking you out " he said, patting charlie on the back before they both stood there and crossed their arms at exactly the same time.      " but i just got here and i- ". " no excuses. you're coming with me- end of story, goodbye, the end " charlie snapped whilst laughing.         " fine. where are we going?" i mumbled. " you'll have to wait and see ". " don't be late! no drinking, no drugs and no funny business!" george called out as we stepped outside of the gate. " yes, dearest father!" charlie called back as our surroundings disappeared and i had been taken to a new location.

i had no idea where we were, the streets were packed and lined with shops one after another. " charlie? where are we?" i replied as he took my hand in his. " just hold my hand so we don't lose each other " he replied, completely disregarding my question. " where are we charlie?". " don't get mad-". " where are we?!". " we're in romania " he said quietly. " what?" i shrieked as he dragged me down an alleyway. " and why, in the name of lord fucking merlin, am i in romania?". " look, i had a business meeting in the city okay? and george insisted i bring you along to get you out of the house ". " oh i am going to kill that prick when we get back " i muttered. " you don't have to come with me to the meeting if you don't want to, there's an amazing library here and i know how much you love books and reading " he smiled as we walked out of the alleyway, still hand in hand. " no it's okay, i'll come " i smiled.

" welcome to the library of the gheorghe asachi technical university! " charlie exclaimed excitedly as he pushed open the doors and revealed a matted green room with glossed wood borders covered with the most wonderful details embedded. fairy lights strung from the archways, dangling above neatly arranged benches. " okay maybe i won't kill george for getting you to bring me here but i will hurt him " i said in awe as charlie burst into a fit of laughter and i looked around at the billions of books stacked onto the shelves. i immediately rushed in and pulled charlie along with me. " love slow down, we have an hour ". i parted from charlie and scanned the shelves over and over again, admiring the amount of books they had. i picked up a few and sat down on a bench, opening the first one as charlie sat next to me- opening a book too. " you know i like this little reading date, i'm going to bring you to library's more often " he whispered as i smiled. " you know i think i'm going to buy this book ". " what is it?" i replied back, whispering too. " pride and prejudice. it's by jane austin " he whispered back. " you definitely should, it's amazing! and why are we whispering? we're the only ones in here". as i said that, he burst into another fit of laughter. " how do we always get ourselves into situations like these?".           " honestly charlie, i have no idea ".

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