part 56

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" good morning everyone! i've got a treat for you all today for our first lesson so if you could please make your way outside to the edge of the forest with me, i'll get the lesson started! " i explained nervously as the group of first year slytherins and gryffindors stared up at me. they began walking away and i followed as a deep voice filled the air around me. " that was easy enough, eh? ". " mr malfoy, don't make me give you a detention for being out of lesson " i replied, turning around and smirking at him. " oh i'm terribly sorry professor, i have a free period this morning ". " had " i replied as he began walking with me. " had? ". " yes had, past tense. you don't have one anymore because you're coming with me, no questions asked " i laughed as i grabbed his arm and caught up with the class. " okay so, this is draco malfoy. for this lesson, he is a professor too and as a prefect, he has the ability to give and remove house points as well as giving detentions should you deserve it " i spoke up as the blonde smiled and fear fell upon the children's faces.

draco's pov

y/n finally got them eased into the lesson, she began talking to them about a red caps and hinkypunks. " red caps are classed as xxx creatures. the dwarf- like beasts live in holes on old battlegrounds or wherever human blood has been spilled. although easily repelled by charms and hexes, they are very dangerous to solitary muggles, whom they will attempt to bludgeon to death on dark nights. but, red caps are very prevalent in northern europe! ". a student rose his hand, waiting to be chosen. " yes, mr... ". " ambers, professor. do you have red caps here today, miss? " he asked in a squeaky voice. i snickered behind her as she turned her head to look at me slightly before turning her attention back to the class. " no, mr ambers. i do not have any here today... unless you would want me to speak to the headmaster about it for a next lesson? " she asked curiously. " yes please! " a loud chorus of cheering filled the forest as she chuckled to herself. " okay, that's settled then! " y/n said as she turned to me and whispered " kids " as i laughed. " less talking if you don't mind, i'd like to continue with the lesson ". they ignored her and carried on talking about the red caps and if they were going to kill the students, blah blah blah. " quiet please ". " silence! " she yelled as all the students finally gave her their attention again. " please, let me carry on with the lesson so i can let you do some practical work " she sighed. " right thank you. this is what i wanted to show you " she said, pointing to a really dark part of the forest.

there were little floating lights that seemed to get bigger the closer they got, they looked like they were carrying something too. " love, what are those? " i leaned forward and asked. " hinkypunks " she smiled as the two houses stared in awe and with their mouths gaped open. " those, are hinkypunks. as you can see, hinkypunks are one legged creatures which look like they're made of smoke. they carry lanterns and with which, they have a proclivity to lure travellers completely off of their tracks at nights and into harmful bogs or wetland. these creatures can propel fireballs a long way from their lanterns, unequivocally causing serious injury " she explained sternly. " they will not perform this for us today as professor dumbledore and the ministry of magic have made sure to put untouchable charms and jinxes on them so they are no longer harmful for us to teach! ". the students instantly let go of the deep breaths they had been holding at her words. there was a group of slytherins at the back, sat on the wall whilst laughing and pointing in y/n's direction. anger and frustration riled up inside of me as i balled my fists.

" hey! you guys talking at the back " i called as the immediately turned to look at me. " what did professor y/n just explain? ". " hinkypunks, duh. were you not listening or something? " one laughed as the rest of his group followed suit and laughed after too. " how dare you speak to me like that! you won't be laughing in a few years when vol- ". " draco " y/n's calming voice said to me softly before i felt a hand on my arm. " it's okay, i've got it ". " mr inkwell, you will stay behind after class. i would like to speak with you " she said as he rolled his eyes. " no more of the attitude and less rolling your eyes, yeah? " she said as he opened his mouth to say something but closed it again when he realised he had nothing to say back. " hopefully they'll get stuck " she muttered to me as she turned her back to the class which caused me to stifle a laugh.

y/n had set up a practical activity for the pupils to do before she came and stood by me. " are you okay? " she asked calmly, her deep and warms eyes peering up into my cold and grey ones. " what? " i fake- chuckled. " noth- ". " please don't give me that draco. i know something's wrong ". she's right, something is wrong. everything's fucking wrong. " can i speak to you later? " i sighed. " come up to the old classroom that hagrid taught us in at ten pm " she said as i nodded. now i just need to think about how to tell her what i've become.

y/n's pov

the day was soon done as quick as it had started and i was now just waiting for draco. i knew that this was very risky but i knew that nobody could interrupt us at it's past curfew. the door opened suddenly and was closed very quickly as i spun around and saw a tall blonde haired leaning against it with a sweaty head and his breathing was quick. " filch nearly get you? " i chuckled as he nodded before smiling and looking down at the floor. " here " i handed him a glass of water as he took it and breathed out a very quiet " thankyou ". " come on, come up " i said as he followed me upstairs and into my room. " can i? " he asked politely as he nodded to my bed. " yeah, yeah of course! ". he trudged over and sat himself on the edge as i walked over and sat next to him. his damp hair fell over his eyes and caught on his eyelashes. he closed his eyes as i moved the hair and ran my hand through it; taming it back slightly, only for it to fall back over his forehead again.

" so, what's up? " i asked as i held my hands in my lap. " i can't form words to explain it to you at the moment so i'm just going to show you, is that okay? " his voice shook with every word and he couldn't look at me. i nodded as he moved to face me and began pulling up his sleeve on his left arm. he paused and i could see his hand shaking as he held it out. i took his arm in my hand and rubbed over his skin lightly. " i understand, you don't have to show me ". " you- you're not scared of me? " he whispered. " i could never be scared of you, draco " i reassured as his eyes finally met mine. they were full of regret, neglect and sadness. " it was inevitable i guess, my father is one so it only makes sense but it's just so unfair. why me? out of all the slytherins, he chose me ". " sweetheart he's just punishing your father with you- ". " but my father's mistakes shouldn't be resolved in me becoming a monster! " he shouted as a layer of gloss covered his eyes. i held my arms out for him and he instantly rushed into them, crying into my shoulder. " i don't want to do this anymore y/n, i really don't but i can't escape. no matter how hard i try to get away from it, they always catch up and i hate it. i'm on two tasks already but i'm failing and if i don't complete them them he's going to kill me " he sobbed, taking deep breaths in between words.

" sweetheart listen to me " i said as he pulled himself away and looked at me as i cupped his face. " he's not going to kill you, okay? we'll make sure of it, you can come and hide with me if things get out of hand. i love you and it's going to be okay " i said soothingly as his lip quivered and his face scrunched up again whilst he began crying again. " can i sleep here tonight? i don't want to be alone ". " of course you can, come on " i whispered as we both got underneath my covers. " i'm sorry about putting all of this on you " he whispered, leaning his chin on my head. " don't you worry about that, alright? i'm glad you told me because now i can try and help you ". " i don't think anyone can help me, i'm too far in now. i've got no way out now, my only option is to die and i really don't want to die yet y/n, i really don't " he rushed, holding me closer to his chest. i sighed and leant up so my lips were next to his ear. " close your eyes and think of something nice ".

his slow and deep breaths told me that he was asleep. i really felt for him, it's not fair for him to be punished for his fathers mistakes. i mean, he was right- it was inevitable that he was going to become a death eater, it just sucks that theo escaped but draco couldn't. i'm not sure he understands the full extent of the danger that he's in but i'm going to try and help him the best that i can. " i'm so sorry you're going through this, you don't deserve any of it. you deserve to be happy and to be loved " i whispered to his sleeping state. at least he's safe like this, he's in peace and isn't worrying about anything when he's sleeping. he's just a boy.

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