part 63

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" y/nnn!! " i heard a sweet voice bump as light but quick footsteps could be heard as i walked down the hallway to the main area. " wha- " i stopped as i saw maxwell stood at the door waving at me whilst laughing as a little figure hugged my leg. i looked and saw enola smiling cheekily up at me; i smiled as tears filled my eyes and i picked her up as he nuzzled into my shoulder with her arms wrapped around my neck. " heyy princess! " george chuckled as he tickled enola and she let out a laugh before hugging me again. " we thought we'd come and see you again " max chirped up. " we said it was fine if he did " lee added. " of course! you know your both always welcome here " fred exclaimed, clapping max on the back. 

" so, how have you been? what have you been doing? " i asked as we sat at the table, enola on my lap whilst she drew on some paper. " well i've got myself a part-time job at a little cafe, it's not a big deal or anything but i just wanted to earn some money and be able to provide for enola and myself, you know? it's all good living with my grandparents but i feel like a burden and i don't think it's fair on them to have us living there full time when they should be enjoying their retirement together so as soon as i've saved up, i'm going to buy a place for us and be enola's carer " he smiled deeply at the little girl in front of him who was completely oblivious to the conversation. " that's good! well done on getting a job too, i know it's not easy at the current timing " i replied as he nodded. " what's happening at the current timing? is it bad? are we going to get hurt? " enola asked, suddenly seeming anxious. " don't you worry about anything right now, okay? we're all going to be just fine, no one's going to get hurt honey " her older brother soothed as he leant over the table and stroked her cheek. " it's going to be okay ". 

" come on, come and play with me " george said, getting up from his seat and kissing my head before lifting enola off of my lap and taking her to the sofa. " y/n? is everything okay? you seem on edge, what's happened? ". fred and lee gave each other a slight look before looking back to me and smiling slightly. " i'm okay, just thinking " i replied, hoping he would believe me. " what have been doing since i last saw you? ". i began explaining my time at hogwarts to max, leaving out the details about harry and draco; he asked about the attack that he'd heard on the radio so i tolf him what i knew whilst trying not to make it obvious that i had seen it all. " you were there. you're speaking like somebody would after they've seen it happen. did you see it, y/n? did you see everything? " max asked, sitting forward in his chair more. i nodded slightly as he released a deep breath; lee noticed this and changed the subject of conversation whilst fred shifted his chair over closer to me and rubbed my arm. " it's alright, doll. we're here " he whispered as i leant my head on his shoulder whilst george looked up and smiled at us.

 i smiled back and continued watching him playing with enola. i couldn't help but smile whenever his laughter filled the room at something the little girl had done. he was truly amazing; at this point i had finally admitted that i had fallen completely head over heels for george weasley and his angel eyes. everything he did amazed me, even the smallest of things. every time we touched, it felt like electricity shooting through my body. every time he spoke, my ears would block out everything else except his voice. being with him felt like a dream that could never come true. being with george felt calm and centred. i feel a stronger sense of security—and this is the surprising part of loving somebody truly, because you never felt as though your life was lacking it before. now you know that when you come home at the end of the day, your beloved will come home as well. this one very special person who you have chosen and who has chosen you. you know this beyond a shadow of a doubt. this is a person who is not expendable and cannot be easily replaced. the one you love truly is your touchstone, your witness through life.

loving someone liberates you from the chains of always searching; you feel a greater sense of freedom in a committed relationship. because you're not concentrating on finding the one, you can pursue your passions and interests wholeheartedly with no distractions. you feel the need to be accomplished, because your partner's success depends on your own. when you really love someone, it feels warm and cosy, like climbing into a warm bed on a cold night. you feel like you're always home no matter where you happen to be- that's how i felt whenever i happened to be with him, which thankfully, was almost always. 

max's pov

i saw y/n looking off into the space behind me; i turned around and saw george playing around and winding up enola. her laughter filled the room and i turned my head back to y/n who looked like she had tears in her eyes. my eyes creased in confusion as i caught her attention. " hey " i said quietly as her gaze met mine and her bottom lip quivered slightly; " what's wrong? ". that one question had started a freefall of tears and an empty space where she usually sat. " you go " lee said to me as i gave him a nod and got up  too. walking down the hall, i could hear muffled cries coming from the far room. i tapped the door with my knuckle and waiting for a response. nothing. " y/n ". still nothing. " y/n, open up ". i heard a small click so i pushed the door open enough to poke my head in; y/n was sat on floor against the bed with her head in her hands. " can i come in? " i asked as she nodded, wiping her eyes. i shut the door behind me and sat down beside her. " talk to me, what's going on? ". " you'll think i'm overreacting " she breathed. " i won't, i promise " i replied and she attempted to steady her breathing. " 

" it's just... seeing george with enola fills my heart but breaks it at the same time, i know that sounds crazy " she sniffled. " it makes me happy to see him so content and careful with enola and i know that he desperately wants children and his own family but it hurts me because i don't know if i will be able to give him that. we all know there's going to be war soon, maybe as soon as the next year, but i can't help thinking the worst. what if we lose? i mean voldemort has won before and he's stronger now but what if one of us di- what if one of us doesn't survive? either way, i wouldn't be able to give him what he dreams of " she said as tears began to fall again. " oh love " i sighed as i pulled her shaking figure into me, my arms around her as i rubbed her back. " it's stupid and i know i mustn't think like this but sometimes i just can't help it, you know? it's not fair on either one of us but i can't stop myself but i also don't understand how his heart can love something like mine". " hey, what do you mean ' a heart like yours '! y/n black, you have the purest heart i've ever known! george loves you because you're a brilliant person. you have a beautiful heart and soul " i soothed as she calmed down a little bit and sat up again. " shall i go and get him? i would say you need him more than me right now " i said as a small laugh left her lips and she nodded and dried her cheeks with the sleeves of her top. 

" is she okay? what happened? " lee asked when i walked back in. " she needs you george " i nodded as he shot up immediately. " what- what happened? ". i explained everything that y/n had said to me as his eyes glossed over too. as soon as i had finished talking, he rushed into the room that i previously came out of as voice could be heard before he shut the door.

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