part 67

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*6 weeks later*

harry. harry. harry. our top priority at the moment. mad-eye moody called this mission " the battle of the seven potters ". i knew straight from the start that it would be dangerous. nothing was safe nowadays. 

everyone had left to go to harry's and bring him here to the burrow. everyone except mrs weasley, ginny and myself. i wanted to go but professor moody insisted i stay here for when they get back. 

instead, we were stuck anticipating the arrival of everyone. merlin knew what would happen to them but i had a bad feeling, an extremely bad feeling. " sweetheart? are you okay? " mrs weasley asked as she noticed my panic-stuck expression. " yeah, just worried " i replied as ginny gave me a weird look. i walked into the kitchen away from her as ginny followed. " something's wrong, i know it. i have a really bad feeling " i explained as the colour drained from her face as she gulped. there was a loud crack from outside and we all rushed out to see harry and hagrid. " what happened? where are the others? ". " is no one else back? " harry asked, taking a step towards ginny and i. i shook my head as he looked up the sky behind him before looking back and running his hand over his bottom lip. " they were on us right from the start molly, we had no chance. the death eaters were waiting for us " hagrid spoke up. " oh, well thank goodness you two are alright " mrs weasley responded shakily.    

" ron and tonks should've already been back " giny said, looking between harry and i. " fred and your dad too " i spoke up. as soon as i said that, there was a bright blue flash and we heard lupin shout. " here! here help me! ". i ran over as i saw him helping a disfigured harry with a bloody ear. my breathing increased as the hair began turning orange. harry ran past me and put the injured persons other arm over his shoulder. " quickly, into the house ". 

ginny ran to me and gripped my shoulders before leading me into the house. they had laid him on the sofa and lupin grabbed harry just as i got the twin. george. " oh love " i whispered as i took his hand and my eyes began watering. lupin was shouting at harry in the background but my only focus was george. it felt like hours had passed before it was all quiet and i felt fred rush beside me. i moved aside and let him sit with his partner in crime as i wiped my tears; he gripped my hand and began talking. " how are you feeling, georgie? ". " saint- like " he replied in a small whisper. fred and i exchanged a similar look before he continued. " come again? ". " saint-like. i'm holy fred, get it? " george smiled, weakly lifting his hand and pointing to his ear which was no longer there. it earned a laugh from everyone as fred bit back his; " a whole wide world ear related humour and you go with i'm holey? it's pathetic ". " reckon i'm still better looking than you though, eh? ". 

i laughed as fred looked at me. " care to be the judge of that, doll? ". i leaned over and kissed george head. " well i may be biased but george is correct ". fred poked an imaginary stake through his heart and fell to the floor, causing us all to laugh. bill came in with a sad look on his face. " ma- mad-eye's dead " he announced as george closed his eyes and i leant my head on his chest. i saw lupin sit down in the chair beside me and hang his head low. " mundungus took one look at voldemort and disapparated ". 

the air was heavy for the rest of the night; everyone had gone to bed but i couldn't sleep. i went downstairs and heard a hiss as fabric moved. i walked over to george and saw his face scrunched up in pain as he clutched the side of his head. " are you okay, my love? " i asked quietly as he opened his eyes and looked up at me. " yeah ". " you don't have to put on a brave face, i know you're in pain " i soothed as i kissed his nose and ran my fingers through his hair. " it was snape. you know the curse that was used on enola's mum and draco? ". " what? sectumsempra? ". " yeah, i went to fire a curse at a death eater who was aiming at fred and i got him but i didn't have enough time to react to snape's curse and the next thing i knew, i let out a cry of agony and then i woke up here with you. i just about remember waking up to lupin screaming at harry " he explained. " yeah that doesn't surprise me, lupin was horribly loud. snape's just always despised you and fred because of your mischief. reminded him of the marauders " i laughed as he cupped my face and ran his thumb over my cheek. " the marauders? as in the maraduers map? ". " that's correct " i smiled at excitedness. " can you tell me about them? " he asked. " of course ". 

so, for an hour or so- i was telling george all about the marauders and some of tales my dad had told me. i finished and realised that he had fallen asleep holding my hand over his stomach. lord knows how long he had been out for but i was just thankful he had peace for now. i leaned over and kissed him as he smiled sleepily and eventually fell asleep with him, on the floor whilst leaning on my free arm near his shoulder. 

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