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10:04 am
Target is already at school.

12:05 nn
The target is currently at the cafeteria, eating lunch together with his friends. Target's meal is basil pork stir-fry.
*Picture attached*

4:03 pm
I heard that target is going to stay at his friend's house tonight.

I was busy typing when suddenly my phone snatched. I stood up quickly to grab it but then I come faced to face to my one and only brother. Type.

"Hey bro"

I said but then he give me a smack in the head then proceeds to the sit in front of me checking my phone. I pout then decided to just sit back on my seat while rubbing the part of head that still hurt.

"What is this?"

He asked. His voice is unamused. He showed my phone to me as I found out that he's reading the messages i sent him.

"My job!"

I proudly said. He sighed and turn off my phone as he rudely shoved it to me.

"Really? Then you're fired!"


I didn't meant to yell but damn is he kidding me right now?!

"Low down your voice or I won't pay you even a single penny"

He said while glaring.

"What do you mean I'm fired? You know that I badly need this jo---"

"Tine this is not a job. I told you what you have to do and I'll pay you"

My brow furrowed. Huh?

"But that's job means Type. I thought your smart"

He rolled his eyes.

"This is me doing my job and I just dragged you to it. Now I'm honestly regret it"

I gasped.


I said in disbelief. But then he leaned towards me and I thought that he's going to say something important so I leaned closer to him only to received a flick in my forehead. This dude really love hitting me!

"Urg! You really love to see me in pain don't you?"

I said while hissing.

"You deserved it idiot. I told you to do it correctly but still you never did even just for once! It's almost been a week Tine!"

He said.

"But I did what you told me! I send you updates about him!"

"That's the point. But dear brother Tine, your so called updates are all nonsense"

Once again I gasped. My feelings hurt. This brother of mine really don't appreciate my efforts.

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