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Chapter Twenty Four:


Days passed after that. I don't know but something changed to Wat. Maybe because of what happened? He looked so alive. I don't know but the wall I always feel between us is no longer there anymore.

I always spend time with him and our friends when I have free time but mostly it was only the two of us. Sometimes I go to his apartment to hang out and we just watch movies or play games but most of the time he's teaching me to play guitar. We're always partner in every tasks or videos we have to submit for the club and I'm tired of the amount of girls asking me what his Insta. Well, Wat doesn't have any of them. I only contact him via messages or calls but I'm not gonna tell them his number!


"I'm out now"

"Yeah see you tomorrow Tine. Good job for today!"

Jean cheerfully said as she pat my back. She's the branch manager of the fast food resto I'm working on. While I'm on my way to our Uni I decided to go buy some snacks at the convenience store. I just got a bag of chip and a bottle of energy drink. I'm actually saving up so I can't afford to buy more for myself.

I was about to head out when I heard a familiar voice from behind of one of the racks.

"No. I'm not going. I have class to attend to leave me alone"

My forehead creased as I heard that. It's Pear.

"You're going to come with me. I'm sure you won't like it if I lose my temper Pear"

I heard a voice of a guy talking with her. His voice seems he's trying his best to tone it down so no one can't hear him threatening Pear but not me. My ears are always sharp when it comes to her. And I know when something is off.

I decided to see what's happening behind but of course I tried not to be obvious about it. Then I found out that I was right. It was Pear and some tall guy. However I can't see the face of the guy since he's facing Pear. I didn't intervene on their conversation but I decided to stay so that if ever something happen I was there.

"N-o. I don't want to go with you. I'm actually waiting for someone here"

"That's it let's go"

Pear said but the guy is persistent and even grabbed her wrist forcing her to come with him. It's not my place to stick my nose to their business but damn I know when something is not right. This dude is forcing her to come with him despite her declining him. I took my phone and quickly took a pic of them of course I checked it first if I took a picture of his hand gripping her wrist forcefully and when I did, It was the time to step in.

"Hey Pear sorry for waiting. I thought you're going to wait for me outside good thing I decided to look for you here"

I said smiling at her. Her eyes full of fear but then when our eyes met I saw hope in them as if begging me to help her to get out of that situation. My eyes travel to were the guy still gripping her tightly.

"And who the f*ck are you?"

The guy asked. Now I can clearly see his face. He's not familiar and I can say that he's not going on the same Uni with us but i think were on the same age.

"Tine good thing you're here. I just got here few minutes ago so we're all good. Let's go?"

Pear asked as she forcefully took her hand away to the guy's grip. Pear walked towards me but I still having an eye contact with the guy. He's giving me death glare but he didn't talk nor anything so we're about to leave but then he spoke.

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