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Chapter Thirty One:


"I swear if you're doing this just to bring me back then you're just fooling yourself!"

I yelled at Monica. He flinched at my sudden outburst.

"No Wat. I swear! I'm telling you the truth! Why don't you believe me?!"

She said as she cried harder. She's still trembling and crying.

"Really? You're asking me that? Coming from you Monica?"

I saw that she realized what she just said awhile ago.

"I'm sorry but you know why I did tha---"

"After all this years you still can't accept that you're really at fault? You keep apologizing but still victimizing yourself. I really can't believe you"

She didn't say anything but cried.

"Stop apologizing. I had enough of your half hearted apologies. I don't need them anymore"

I added and was about to leave but then she hugged me again from my back. Damn it. I tried to remove her hands around me but she insists.

"I know you're still mad but this is not the reason why I'm here"

Yes. She's not here to make things right. She's not here to make a closure between us. And I feel getting mad at myself because there's a part of me hoping that at least she's doing this for the both of us.

"Believed me, I'm telling the truth. Grand pa is dying and he wants to see you"

I let out a deep chuckle by hearing that. I felt a pang in my chest even though I found that everything she said was hilarious. Suddenly I felt numb and if it is not because of her tight embrace I'm sure my body would gave out.


I heard a familiar voice called me. I turned to see who it was and there I saw Tine. Standing and watching the scene with an unreadable expression all over his face. As if I got burnt I removed Monica's hand around me facing Tine.

"Oh sorry. I didn't know that you---"

"No. It's okay. Are you going home now?"

Tine nodded.

"Then let's go. I'm done here"

I said grabbing his wrist and without looking back I left with Tine.


My head is full of thought. So much that I can feel my head was about to explode. I don't know if Monica is telling the truth. I can't trust her. What if this is all just a bait for me to go back home? But then it was Monica. I never saw her like that. Crying her heart out. She used to be calm and grounded. She won't let her emotion eat her up that's why she easily climbed the ladder.

That's why she easily chose the wise choice even though her heart and happiness was on the stake.

But now I see the other side of her. Seeing her like that so broken as if she's the girl I used to love before. As if she was the girl before her ambition took over her. So maybe just maybe.... she's telling the truth?

"You know that you can go back if you want to, right?"

I heard Tine said. We stopped walking and he wrapped his hand on the top of my hand that I didn't realized that still gripping him tight on the wrist. I quickly let go of him.

"I-m sorry I didn't mean to"

I apologized as I gently caressed his wrist that now red because of what I did.

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