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Chapter Thirty-Five:


With wobbly legs I found myself walking back home. Looking down on my shoe and trying my best not to cry. People will stare if I did.

"Hello, are you perhaps a friend of the young tenant who lived there?"

A lady asked me. I nodded my head. Good thing I'm already out of the apartment.

"We're actually going to reset the password of the unit since the young man told us that he's leaving for good. Kinda feel creeped out yesterday night because a group of man in black suits took everything in the middle of the night and I was about to call the police but then I got a call from Sarawat and told me that they have his permission to do so"

The lady said. I found out that she's the landlady.

With a heavy heart I left the place.

Wat called the lady so why the f*ck he didn't even bothered to answer my phone calls? As I got home I was greeted by Mom.

"Tine what did I told you about having a pet in our hou---"

I didn't let her finished her words because I hugged her tight As soon as I felt her hands on the back of my head it was the time I let myself crumbled. I let out ugly sobs because I couldn't contain myself.

It hurts.

Wat left.

I'm scared what if he's not going to come back?

Mom didn't asked questions, she just let me cried my hearts out but when I calmed down a bit I found myself half sitting on the couch head on her lap.

"Is this about Sarawat?"

I nodded.

"He left Mom...."

"Oh dear"

She said wiping my tears away when I sat up facing her. I might look like a crybaby but what can I do?

"Everything will gonna be okay Son"


My voice cracked.

"I don't know. We will figure it out"

She said hope in her eyes. But then my eyes land on tine who's still on the cage. He's sleeping not caring about anything. My heart clenched for him. Does he know that his owner abandoned him? Poor little thing. I stood up and opened the box, it was all tine's things. Mom helped me to take care of them so we could put them aside but then I opened a paper bag, I felt a stab in my chest when I saw that it was full of disposable masks boxes that was meant for me.


"What is it?....."

Mom asked but when she saw what it was she looked at me with a small smile on her lips.

"He really cares for you"

She said. Mom knew that I'm allergic to cat's

"Okay you can keep the cat"

"He's going to stay on my room Mom"

She nodded.


It was in the afternoon few hours before I go to school. I decided to skipped the class for today and Mom let me. I was in my room curled into a ball, tine is beside me though I'm wearing a mask I don't have the energy to play with him. I feel drained. I closed my eyes to take a nap but then I heard Sarawat's voice. I sat up and tine was quick to jumped from the bed to go on the feeder that is already settled on my room together with tine's things. I swallowed the lumped in my throat. I watched him eating but then i felt tears ran down on my cheeks. I removed the mask and laid down on my bed. I stared at the ceiling and decided to call Wat again.

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