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Chapter Forty Eight:


We stayed there for so long until my phone rang. It's Mom who's calling me. I looked at Wat and found out that he's also peeking on my phone screen. Now that I think about it, I think it is the time for us to tell Mom about us. I answered the phone all while looking at Wat.

"Hello? No, I'm just chilling. Why? Do you need some help? Okay then. Let me know if you ever need me. No, I'm with Wat, right now. Yeah, I'll ask him. Bye"

I said before I hang up.

"What is it?"

"Nothing. She just asked what I've been up to. Anyways she asked if you want to have some snacks?"

I answered. I put my phone on the ground and laid my head on his lap but then I squint my eyes shut because of too much sunlight hitting my eyes now that I'm facing the sky.

"I'm still full. What about you?"

"Me too. Let's just eat later then. Now, I just want to relax. I actually..."

My words cut off when I suddenly felt his finger tracing my jaw. It made me open my eyes only to found out that he's staring down at me. He's too damn handsome even at this distance and I hate the fact that the sunlight justifying it more.

"You're pretty"

The f*ck?!

I felt my heart skipped a beat and my cheeks heat up. I couldn't helped it so I put my hand on my eyes to block my sight.

"You're ridiculous"

I said and I heard him chuckled.

"You said it like that as if I'm messing around"

"Isn't it what you're doing just now?"

"Aww my little Tine is shy"

"Shut up Wat or I'm gonna bang your head on the tree behind you"

I said now glaring at him. The jerk just hold my hand while chuckling.


I rolled my eyes. I sat up but then he hugged me from behind.

"When did you become so clingy?"

"I've always been so clingy Tine. You just didn't notice it because you're freaking dense"

I turned my head and looked at him in disbelief.

"Excuse you Mister. If I only knew I shouldn't let you become my boyfriend"

He laughed but then tried to back hug me again but I keep pushing him away. Until my eyes caught something behind him.

That was then I realized that we've been being watched by my.....


Her face was shock and because of that I pushed Wat away from me. I stood up and so is he.

"Hey that's too mu---"

Wat said but soon was cut off when he realized what happened.

"Mom I...."

My heart started to beat faster as I felt my hands started to sweat. I stood up to go to Mom but suddenly her phone rang. She looked at me and mouthed 'let's talk later' before she left.

"Do you want us to talk to her together?"

Wat asked.

"N-o. I'll talk to her alone"

He looked at me with worry on his eyes as he gently held my hand.

"You sure?"

I sighed and nodded.



We've been so busy throughout the day that I couldn't even find time to talk to Mom, I don't know if its just me but I feel like she's avoiding to have a serious conversation with me the whole day.

The day went by and it's evening. There's an event during dinner time to end the exhausting day, kids are playing around and adults are busy on their own groups while I feel left out and anxious on the side. Being alone is not helping at all since Wat is also busy, after all he was sent here for the event.

When the clock hits 10pm I realized that only adults are the only one left. No kids around and the mood changes. The blasting music awhile ago is now playing a relaxing song in the background. Lights are dim and the foods that are being served is more on classy side.

Everyone was busy chatting here and there not until the lights turned off and a spotlight on the stage was lightened. There this old guy in white tux sitting in the wheelchair that the aura coming from him is undeniably intimidating that you could easily tell who he is.

He's Sarawat's Grandpa.

The lights are back and a little smile appeared on his lips. Everyone's attention were on him. I saw Sarawat wearing a different suit at the back together with Monica. And I would be lying if I say that it doesn't affect me.

C'mon, everyone can mistakenly think that they are indeed a couple.
A good matching pair to be exact.

"It's been years since I visited the Orphanage that I grew fond of and it feels like coming home everytime I'm here. Everyone and everything here feels warm and welcoming and I'm sure that I'm not the only one who feel that, don't you?"

He said while keeping eye contact to the crowd that are clapping now.

"Well I appreciate every each one of you who supports this shelter and I would be forever grateful to those who shares their blessings to those who are in need. And just like you I want to share something special tonight...."

He said as he lend his hand to hold Sarawat's hand who's now standing close to his side.

"My only heir, Sarawat Guntithanon. My one and only treasure is now entering his new chapter of his life..."


My heart started to pound. This can't be. This is not what I'm thinking right?


"Is now officially engaged to the one and only heiress of the Thahar Family"

He said all smiling and everything. I couldn't process anything nor barely understand any words he says because all I can feel is my heart shattering into pieces.

This can't be...

I can't breath. This is too much.

I tried to wait for Sarawat eyes to meet mine but as soon as he did he just looked away and gave a small smile to the crowd.


I'm glad that I managed to ran away from that suffocating place. Before my knees gave out I manage to put my hand on the tree for support.

I couldn't hold it anymore as tears started to ran down on my cheeks. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and I found out that it was Mom.

She's looking at me with pity and pulled me into a tight hug.

"The more you are closer to him the more it will hurt you Son"

I cried harder....



Umm surprise?🤧

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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