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Chapter Eleven:


"If you want to go then go. No one is stopping you"

I snapped when I heard Man said that. I look at him confusedly. Asking him if what he meant by that.

"Look at this idiot. We just told you to go to your Wife"

Boss said.


"No, my wife"

Man rolled his eyes. Then it hit me that they are referring to Tine. Wife? Tch. Idiots.

"Go. Your wifey needs your support"

Boss said. I sipped at my Americano.

"No. He doesn't need me"

"This little shit. You're the reason why he's there, go cheer for him. Besides, we don't need your zoning ass here!"


I didn't know but I found myself standing in the front of music club. I sighed. Okay I'm here because I want to chill before the game. Yeah that's it Sarawat. I pushed the door open, only to see Tine playing guitar at the little stage. Oh. I came at the right time i think. He met my eyes as he began to sing.

So close that I can't say a word

It's so close that I can't see anyone else

When we're so close that I want to hold my breath

It's so close that there's only you and me today

He sang while looking at me. He looks nervous but I can see the happiness in his eyes when he saw me. Maybe saying that look-at-me-idiot-I-told-you-I'm-good and I have to agree with that. I mean he's not that bad.

Maybe it's because we met by accident

Maybe it's because we're together by accident

Because you have never known how it will be

and I have never understood if it were to be like that

Then suddenly I realized the lyrics meant. I don't know if it is just a coincidence but then I found myself reminiscing the moment when we met. It's weird. I know. I felt something in my chest. And I'm not an idiot not to know what is the meaning of that.

Do you mean those words Tine? Or you're just messing with me? Because it's working.


"Ahhh I made it!!!!!"

That was the things I said as soon as I saw my name on the list. Yeah I did it! I'm officially a member of Music Club! I looked around to see if Sarawat was still there but then I bumped into someone.

"Hello Tine! Congrats!"

It was Air. A smile plastered on her face. Aww she's really pretty and cute!

"Hi! Thank you but did you see Sarawat?"

I asked.

"Oh! He's here?"

She asked. So they didn't saw him? Oh. Maybe because Sarawat standing at the back. I bid her goodbye then I decided to look for Sarawat. A smile appeared on my lips as soon as I found him outside the room. He's leaning on the wall like he was there for a awhile.

"I made it! I told you I'll pass!"

He rolled his eyes then he started to walk. I ran to him.

"We're friends now!"

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