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Chapter Twenty Five:


"So when are you going to ask Pear out?"

Fong said out of nowhere that made me choke on my own saliva.

"What are yo---"

"Don't give us that look Tine. We saw you together earlier"

Ohm said wiggling his brows. Oh so this stupids saw us.

"It's not what you think guys"

I explained. As I sat on my own seat. In the end Wat didn't bought me lunch. That guy is out of his mind. How can he just---


"And what if I am?"

I was taken aback by that. I heard my own heart wants to break free on my ribcage.

"Then you're doomed. Sometimes I'm amaze how straight forward you are Wat"

I said as I chuckled. I'm also amazed by myself for putting such an act as if I'm not affected by his words.

"I'm going to be more straight forward then. I don't want to see you being with Pear. I know that you two are friends but I don't want to see you being loveydovey with her"

Hold up. How can he just said that as if he own me?! And what does he mean being loveydovey when we're just out there walking side by side? It's not a big deal!

"You know that I'm not yours Wat. You can't just order me around like that"

I said in disbelief. I saw that he was shocked by my words but then it was back again to being cold.

"It's not an order. I clearly said that I don't like you being with her but it's up to you whether you do it or not. Just wanna be honest with you that's all"

And with that he turned his back at me.

"Hey what about my lunch?"

"Go buy yourself"

He said as he walked away.

****End of flashback****

Stupid Sarawat! How can he just say that as if it's nothing?! I mean, telling someone that you're jealous? Last time I got jealous over my crush I ended up not liking her anymore instead of admitting that I'm jealous over some guy. I don't know but somehow admitting that I'm jealous over someone is like I'm losing one of my fingers. It feels like my pride is tearing apart. But not Sarawat. That guy is straight forward. He can say anything he wants and it's one of the things I hate about him. Because it makes me feels things.

Stupid Wat.

"Oho! You look like a damn tomato right now Tine. What did you talked about anyway?"

Fong said making my cheeks feel more hot than they are.

"Shut up. Just wake me up when the Prof is here. I want to take a nap for a bit"

I said as I put my head on the table. I used my arms as a pillow and when I got myself comfortable I closed my eyes but then I abruptly sat up when I imagined Wat's face.

What the h*ck is wrong with you Tine?!

I'm going crazy!


"Hey sorry I just had to do some---"

Before Wat could even finished his words I stood up.

"I have to go. I forgot that I had to do something. See you later guys"

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