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Chapter Twenty Seven:


I wiped my cheeks as I took my phone. I don't know but I just wanna hear Wat's voice right now. Today is not a good day and I didn't had time with him. I miss him. I'm afraid on how much I got used to his presence and now being apart from him for only a day is killing me. But after few calls still he didn't answer.

Maybe he's already sleeping.


I kinda feel off and uneasy. Even though I got a few hours of sleep I still feel tired. Why do I feel like there's something wrong?

"Hey Tine, I think you could just do the back up today. You do not look good"

Mil said.

"Mil is right Tine. Since we don't have that much customers today might as well let you do the back up. No wait, I think you should just do the cleaning for today"

Ms. Jean said.

"I'm sorry Ma'am"

I said.

"No, it's okay Tine. I've been there before. I know the feeling of doing work and school at the same time. It's exhausting"

She said with a smile. I hope it is just because of that but I know it is not because of physical but rather emotional exhaustion. My head is about to explode because of my thoughts. Wat is the kid I've been jealous about ever since I was young. And me being torn apart between my dream and my friendship with Wat.

When my shift ended I found myself running to go to Uni. I've been calling Wat since yesterday night but he didn't answer my calls. I know it's not a thing to be worried about but the little shit ignoring my calls! He dared to dismissed my calls intentionally and that made me feel anxious.
It is one of the things that I worry about ever since I woke up.

I can't wait to see him and smack his head for ignoring me. He's not there in front of the Uni so I look for him on the cafeteria. Only to see Man, Boss together with my friends but Wat is nowhere in sight.


I said greeting them.

"Where's Wat he's not with you?"

Fong asked. I sat in front of him.

"No I came here alone"

I answered with a disappointed tone.

"Maybe he's just late"

I added whispering. As if I'm assuring myself that yeah maybe he's just late.

"Does Wat told you something lately?"

Boss said a playful smile on his lips. Man elbowed him making him hissed in pain.

"Nope. He didn't. Why?"

I asked. They just both shrugged their shoulders. I saw Man sighed.

"Seriously, what is it?"

I asked once again. My voice demand an answer.

"It's nothing Tine. Forget about it"

Man said and he took his phone out to play games. They didn't bother to talk about it anymore so I did too. Instead I took my phone to sent a message to Wat.

Hey idiot. Where are you? You're not picking your phone! I'm already at Uni. At the Cafeteria with the gang.

I said but the message left seen by Wat. The h*ck!

I waited for him but he didn't showed up. I have to go to class now. Maybe he'll be there during break but he didn't. I found out that he ditched his class today.

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