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Chapter Thirty Two:


It took a few moments to Wat to calm down. He's still in my arms, his face is buried on my chest. As much as i want to stay on that position my back and lap hurts since all his weight is on me.

"Hey Wat"

But then my body jolt when he tickles me.

"Wat! What the- haahahha"

I said between my laughs. I tried my best to stay still but I can't. My body can't take it. I'm ticklish, okay?! Then the assh*le looked at me. I tried to push him and kick but after all the failed attempts I gave up. I throw my head back on the arm rest of the couch. All while laughing, tears started to form on my eyes. Wat is also giggling as he sat up still between my legs. He still tickling my sides but then I locked my ankles on his back. I used it as an opportunity to hook my arms on his nape pulling myself up.

It was a bold move that I did without thinking about the consequences. Because when I succeeded on my plan to pull myself up. I came up face to face with Wat. I ended up sitting on his lap. Both breath fanning our faces, nose tips are almost touching. And suddenly I couldn't breath.

Everything faded on the background and it was only Wat staring back at me is the only thing I can see. I felt his hand gripped my waist a little in which he was tickling before. My heart is thumping and it is the only thing I can hear. My eyes travel from his doe bambi eyes down to his lips. My breath hitched. Are they even look that gorgeous before? I don't know why every passing second they look so tempting in my eyes. Then I felt myself leaning dow--


I was brought back on reality when Wat hiccuped. His face turned red while his eyes wide looking at me. They are still red because he just cried awhile ago.

"Wa-- *hic* "

I started but then was cut off because a hiccup came from my mouth shamelessly. It was my turn to be embarrassed. I quickly covered my lips using both of my hands.

"Water. Yes, I'll get us some water"

Wat said in a hurry but he looked at me confusedly so I did too.

"U-m Tine. You're still sitting on my lap"

I felt my face got hotter than it already felt and quickly pulled myself off on him. He stood up and I even heard him cursed when he almost tripped.

What.the.f*ck just happened?


It was already night and I couldn't sleep. It's still early but I don't have anything to do (he has a lot of things to do but he can't just focus) so i just decided to sleep. Everytime I close my eyes all I can see is myself straddling Wat's lap. And looking at it on someone's else POV make it 10x worst. I can clearly see myself all red but shamelessly staring on his lips.

"Urg! That's it! I'll jump from the nearest building and die"

I yelled as I tossed on my bed.

Did I just? Did I just tried to kiss Wat?!!!! WAT the f*ck. It's not because he's a guy. Damn. I'm not against gays since my brother, Type is actually one. But the fact that me, The Tine chic chic is falling to a guy in which I never thought I would is too much for me. I only liked girls before. I even considered myself straight as a bamboo but then Sarawat happen. Then suddenly I became a ruler. The bendable one.

(A/N: Told you so Son💅).

Yes. Sarawat. That f*cking assh*le stoic guy who doesn't care about anything but blessed with a f*cking gorgeous voice, talents and everything is making me crazy right now!

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