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Chapter Nineteen:


"Do you feel better now?"

Asked Wat. I nodded. He never said anything only running his fingers through my hair and now that I feel okay I can finally look at him. I'm still shy for crying in front of him.

"Okay then let's go"

He said as he pat his legs and was about to get up.

"Won't you asked me what happened?"

I asked curiously. I saw his eyes soften as they looked at me and then he shake his head.

"I won't force you to say anything if you're not comfortable. But whatever it is, it will gonna be okay"

He said as he smiled at me. I felt comfortable with his words.

"I often got compared to my brother...."

Then I looked down. I can feel his gaze on me and it's too much. I'm not the kind of person who can put my feelings into words honestly. I can't easily share my private dilemma to someone but I don't know when did I started to be this comfortable with Wat.

"And you believed them?"

He said that's when I looked at him.

"We're all different Tine"

"I know but I feel insecure. He always do better than me he's all that and I'm....just Tine"

"You're Tine. Don't ever used the word 'just' next to your name. Whatever the things you got compared on always remember that those things makes the real you. So what if you lack on something? Isn't normal having things that we're not good at?"

He said in all seriousness. I bit my lower lip by just hearing that I can feel my heart jumped because of happiness.

"Just because you're lacking at some things that someone good at it doesn't make you less worthy Tine"

He continued. And with that our eyes stayed on each other.

"I still don't know much about you but I can say that aside from being a good person, You're always put your best effort to anything you set your eyes on to"

"I-s that the way you comfort someone?"

I asked. Breaking our contact.

"Am I doing it right?"

He asked wiggling his brows.

"Yeah and add some compliments so it will be much much better. Go on I----"

"You're perfect"

My eyes widened at that. Shit. What the h*ck. My heart almost jumped out of my rib cage.

"O-kay that's a little bit too much"

I said as I laughed. Trying to shake of the feels he put me in. I know he's just messing with me.

"I have a lot to say more but I had to sum it up"

"You're aware that you're being cheesy right now right?"

I said laughing.

"Did I make your heart flutter?"

"That question again?"

"Yeah but you never answered it even once"

And I just shrugged my shoulders.

"It's already late, we have school tomorrow"

He said as he stood up.



"Thank you"

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