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Chapter Seven:


True to my words I did what I promised to do. I am here right now waiting for Sarawat while holding a paper bag in my hand. I bought cat foods and even milk for the kitten. I'm not lying when I told him that I can't take the cat home because my Mom is going to kill me. She will be mad because she knows that I'm allergic to them and she's also afraid that the cat will cause a big trouble. I remembered one time a friend of her brought a dog and it peed in the coach. So no, pets are not allowed. To be honest I don't know how can I take the kitten from Sarawat just like I said but I'll figure it out but for now I'm happy that he agreed. The kitten is lonely. I saw the kids messing up with the poor little thing so I decided to take it from them only to cause trouble to Sarawat.

All I can do now is to help him to take care of the kitten. Sarawat and I are not that close, we're not friends to begin with. Considering the fact that we met in a very unexpected way which is a bad start. But little by little I know I can do better. I want to get close to him for the sake of my job of course! He forbid me stalking him not that I have plan to do that ever again so I decided to befriend him. In that way I'll get informations directly from him. Updates that Type wants and not just picture because he said he doesn't need those. Yeah, I know I'm brilliant, no need to say it.

I want to gave up and was about to leave when finally he showed up. I waved at him but the jerk didn't even bothered to look at me. I called him still he just walk straight up the campus. I rolled my eyes and ran after him only to found out that he wears wireless earphones. Oh that's why he didn't heard me. He removed one of the earplug and raised a brow at me.

"What now?"

He asked coldly. Tch.

"Good afternoon to you too Sarawat"

I sarcastically said. Our class starts at 1pm and ends at 5pm and before I go to school I decided to buy the things for the Kitten after i got off from my part time job. I'm glad that today is actually my pay day so I have money to buy so.

Looking at Sarawat right now I know that he's not impressed so I just smiled at him brightly as I hand him the paper bag.

"Just like what I've said last night. I bought the foods for the kitten. Make sure that you'll feed okay?"

I said and he furrowed his brows.

"As you should. Good thing that I didn't had a bad time on where should I leave him"

Then he started to walk so I did too. I'll just walk with him to class.

"Him? He's a male? Woah. But where did you leave him though?"

I asked curiously.

"In the bathtub"

"Ah okay in the bath---"

My eyes widened as soon as I realized what he just said.

"What?!!! You leave him in a freaking bathtub? What if it drown?"

He looked at me in disbelief.

"I'm not an idiot like you. Why would I do that? And yeah I left him in the bathroom. In my freaking bathtub and if it pooped I'll blame you for it"

"Hey! That's not fair!"

I protests.

"Then go take it back"

He said as he about to hand me the paper bag again.

"N-o I mean okay fine it's okay. At least you left him some food right?"

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