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Chapter Twenty Two:


"I gotta go now"

I said to Wat.

"Um.. don't you want to stay for awhile? You know, have dinner with me?"

He said and a hint of a little bit hesitation in his voice. I smiled at him.

"No it's okay"

I said. I saw him trying to hide his disappointment. I want to stay a little bit more but it's getting late.

"What about staying here overnight?"

He asked again. I felt my heart jumped at that. Maybe because I'm being excited?

"I want to. But I don't have my things with me. Maybe next time?"

I saw him rubbing his nape.

"Yeah next time. Are you sure you're going to be fine? I can walk you t--"

"Don't worry I'm fine"

And with that I bid my goodbye. I kinda feel disappointed at myself for taking down the offer but what can I do? I don't have my things with me. I can't just crushed on his place just like that. However, I kinda feel satisfied on everything happened today, now that Wat opened up to me I can feel that I got a step closer to him.

I never knew how to comfort someone. I mean I can give an advice to someone's who's dealing with problems just like my friends but those are just simple things compared to Wat's. Wat has a tragic past. I know it's not my place to meddle but how can his Parents be so selfish? I mean yeah they are forced to get married but why the heck their children have to suffer too? They are still their blood and flesh. Things like that is just too much for me. Good thing that I have a good family but then I felt bad for Sarawat.

I'm so deep in my thoughts that I didn't realized that I'm already in front of our house. As I entered, I never felt so alone going home before but how come I felt it this time? I sighed. I made my way to the kitchen and took a drink for myself in which I found a note on the fridge that my Mom left.

Just reheat the food I left. Make sure to eat your dinner okay?


I smiled as I read it. I'm so grateful that I have her. But then my mind flew again to Wat. Once again I felt being mad at myself for taking down his offer. I took a deep sigh and was about to go upstairs but then I looked at the clock and it read 10:45pm. Can I still make it to his place tonight? Yeah, I'm having battle here whether I'll go or not. Sigh. After taking a while I came up with a decision. I quickly fished out my phone from my pocket and was about to text him until I saw a message from him.

Tell me when you got home.

I smiled like an idiot as I read his message. Instead of giving him a reply I decided to call him in which he answered.


"I just got home"

(Good then. Eat your dinner, I'm still preparing mine)

He said as I heard some noise in his background. I don't know but I imagined him cooking and I kinda feel weird because the image is so clear in my mind making me shake my head.

"Um Wat?"

I bit my lips because I'm still hesitant to even ask him about crashing to his place tonight.


But then I took a sigh. I know I when I called him I already clear in my intention so there's no way to back out now.

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