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Chapter Sixteen:


"What's wrong?"

Wat asked me. Staring deep at my eyes. I shake my head.


He nodded. After we had some snacks he proceed to teach me guitar. Even though it's hard to keep up with him I tried my best not to be too much of a bother to him.

"I think that's all for now. We have to record our video it's getting late"

Wat said. I saw him setting up his phone in front of us.

"Any song in your mind?"

He asked looking at me.

"I don't have anything"

Then he chuckled.

"You don't have mind? A brain?"

I rolled my eyes at him and smack his arm.

"I mean I don't have any song in my mind right now. It's all up to you"

I said.

"You're zoning out. Whatever it is in your mind you can tell me"

He said. Worry in his eyes. Same to you Wat. I hope you can tell me too.

I just shake my head and straighten my back looking directly at his phone that still not recording.

"Do you know smile by Scrubb?"

My eyes widened at that.

"You like Scrubb too?"

"Yes. I know them, I usually sang their song and I think you like them too since you chose their song when you auditioned?"

I nodded and sip on the bottle of juice he gave me.

"It will be better to sing a song we both know. I'll play the guitar then you sing"

My eyes widened at that. I only sing in the shower actually. My voice is not that bad but I don't know why I feel shy around Wat.

"No! C-an you sing along with me?"

I asked hoping that he will agree.

"Okay then if that's what you want. Ready?"

"Do we have to do an introduction?"

"I don't think so. We can just put our names and faculties at the end of the vid"

"Okay got it. Send me the vid and I'll take care of it"

Once again he nodded. He took the bottle from my hand and drank from it then put it aside. He clicked the button on his phone and started to strum the guitar.

A single smile of yours
Make me forget the story that came
To know what is more important
What will replace it?

I was taken a back when he started to sing. Damn. He can sing too? What more he can do?

A single voice of yours
Make me forget the story that came
There is more to it than I have ever seen.

And more than I can explained

I came back from realization when he nudge my knee. We looked at each other and he furrowed his brow as if telling me what I'm doing. It was then I realized that I didn't singing along with him. I cleared my throat then we both turned to the screen.

Where are we again? Oh.

If now try to close your eyes
See the same picture again

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