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Chapter Thirty:


I sighed as I got home. I saw my apartment still look quite messy because I didn't do anything but to live like a teenage heartbroken guy who doesn't want to do anything but sleep and cry.

"Woah. What happened? Seems like no Sarawat lived here for months"

Tine said that made me embarrassed. I found myself gently rubbing my nape. I nervously laughed at that.


Tine (the cat) quickly jumped out from the sofa when we got in. I took him on my hand but I saw the kitten eyeing Tine who's still standing on the entrance closing the door behind him.

"Seems like he miss you"

I said looking at the paw scratching my shirt.

"Aww. I miss him too"

Tine pouted. My heart skipped a beat when I saw him. It's only been a week but it seems forever that I didn't saw that pretty pouty lips of his. I just want to give him a smooch.

Oh shoot! Chill there buddy! What are you thinking huh?

I mentally shake my head because of my own thoughts. I made my way to the sofa and put my bag there and I was about to head out to my room when the cat in my arms tried to free himself. The cat still bending his head to see Tine who made himself comfortable on the sofa. He saw what tine was doing and a big smile appeared on his lips. He jogged towards us and he pet the kitten's head. He's too close and I would be lying if I said it didn't took my breath away. It is because Tine is so close.

"Miss me little Wat? Don't worry I miss you too buddy. Wanna play?"

Tine asked.

"Put a mask on. Once again, I thought we had an agreement that his name is tine?"

I said and Tine just rolled his eyes. I saw Tine walked towards the center table to take a mask. I decided to take a shower so I put tine down but the little bud digged her nails on my pants.

"Tine baby, no"

I said looking down at the kitten but then I heard a thud noise. I look to Tine and found out that it was him. He accidentally dropped the box of masks as if he was caught red handed and his eyes are wide.

"You okay there Tine?"

I asked. And I saw his face got flushed red down his neck.


"Y-eah the box just slipped off from my hand hehe"

He said as he picked the box and put it down on the table. He wear the mask he took before and he made his way to play with the kitten.

What is it making Tine flustered? Then I remembered when I scold tine. Oh is it because I called him baby? Oh there. I forgot that it affect him too haha. Now I thank myself for not thinking too much on what name I give the kitten before. It's just that Tine looks cute everytime he thought I was referring to him not the kitten.

(A/N: Note: Tine (Person) tine (kitten) In case it confuse you dearies hehe)

Perhaps he wants to be called baby too? Haha. Funny. I know it should have been happen if I didn't missed the chance to confessed to him.

Suddenly I realized that it's impossible. Tine doesn't like me. He's into girls. He likes Pear not me. That thought made a stingy pain on my chest. Good thing I didn't confessed or else I will only look like a fool.

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