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Chapter Forty Seven:


"Tine, wake up. We're here"

I squint my eyes before slowly opening them but I immediately closed them again as the light hit them. Mom left the car door widely opened before she started to get the things out on the compartment. After yawning and stretching my limbs I decided to get out of the car. I was amused on what I've just saw. I can't believe that we're already here. Mom is not lying when she said that we're going to an orphanage. A huge one.

"Honey close your mouth or else you'll catch a fly"

Mom said as she chuckled. I quickly took the boxes from her.

"I didn't expect that it will be this huge and it looks surprisingly luxurious for an orphanage"

I said while roaming my eyes around the place. I started to follow Mom all while carrying the boxes. Kids with different ages running carelessly and playing everywhere.

"Of course it will be. The orphanage is lucky to have a lot of donators and you'll be surprised to know who's behind this"

Mom said that made me stopped. I was about to ask her until I collided with something hard. After hardly regaining my balance I realized that a little boy accidentally ran into me. The poor little one was now sitting on the ground looking at me with glistening eyes. Oh no.

I quickly put down the boxes and kneeled in front of him as I helped him to stand. He bit his bottom lip as if he's holding himself not to cry.
Nose and eyes are starting to turn red.

"I-m sorry I didn't saw you...."


"Look I seriously didn't saw you coming..."

He keeps staring at me with those eyes.

"Oh no...don't cry... don't cry sshhh. You're a big boy right? Your brother here is at fault okay?"

He sniffed once again as he took a deep breath before he nodded and I felt relieved. I smiled at him and pat his cheek. He sniffed once again and gave me a small shy smile.

"Good boy"

I said patting his head.

"What's your name?"

I asked.


I heard a familiar voice behind me. I was shock to see who it was....


She look just surprised as I was but then her gaze fell onto the little guy beside me. She ran to us and kneel to be at the same height as the little one.

"What happened?"


She looked up to me and I said what was just happen and she just nodded.

"I told you that don't run didn't I?"

She said worriedly as she started to pat off the dirts on the little boy's pants.

"I'm sowwy mommy"

My eyes widened at that. Mommy?


I heard Monica said almost a whisper. She stood up and looked at me.

"You're an idiot if you believed that"

She said furrowing her brow at me. Then she look at the little boy again.

"I'll let you play if you promised me one thing..."

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