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Yo! I'm back😂


Chapter Forty Five:



I said with a little bit of hesitant in my voice.


"Do you want to hang out in my place?"

I asked. He stopped sipping his drink and looked at me with wide eyes making me feel a little bit flustered.

"Um I mean if you only don't have to, It's up to y----"

"Of course I want to, Tine. But would it be alright? I mean, I didn't prepared anything for your Mom given the fact that this will be our first meeting"

He said with worry in his voice. Aww. I held his hand.

"Mom is not home. She's working late in the evening shift and will be back tomorrow mor--- hey what's with that look on your face?"

I said raising a brow at him because he was grinning.

"Nothing. Didn't know that you're naughty"

My eyes widened and because of what he said I slapped his arm making him laugh.

"What are you talking about Sarawat?! I didn't mean it like that!!!"

"Hahah no I'm just kidding. You're really fun to tease, Tine"

"Oh shut up! You know what, nevermind! I shouldn't have as---"

He cut me off when he kissed me on my cheek. But I'm not sure if it is really a kiss because he sniffed my cheek. I would be lying if it didn't made my heart flutter!

"Nope. You already invited me so don't take it back besides I really want to spent time with my baby"

I nodded my head but a little bit jealous since I know he's referring to tine, our cat.

"Can we change his name now?"


He chuckled.

"Are you still sulking because I named him after you, My nuisance?"

"I'll probably get a dog and named him after you, just to get even"

I said rolling my eyes at him but once again I received another sniff kissed on my cheek. I felt my cheeks heated.

"W-hy are you doing that?"


"That sniffing! What are you? A Grandma?"

"Why not? You smell nice"

He even have the audacity to wink at me. Gosh! I hate him!


When we made it to our house, he walked inside like he owned the place. I watched him as he looked for tine but the cat already ran down the stairs as if he sense that his real owner is there. He jumped on to Wat's lap as the latter hugged him and bop his nose. I felt the warmth ran through my heart as I watched the scene in front of me. Wat has this soft side on him, he doesn't look like he is that kind of person but as soon as you know him better he will show you his true self. We just started dating and I'm hoping to understand him better.

"How come he's getting bigger every time I visit?"

Wat said as he give tine eskimo kisses. Urg! I want that too!!!

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