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Chapter Seventeen:


I never knew how much it affects Tine. No one ever shed tears for me. No one cared so what the h*ck is wrong with him? Maybe because he felt bad. He felt a huge pity on me. I'm mad at myself for getting pitied by others. I don't need it. I had enough. But then I never imagined that this day would come. I panicked when I saw Tine crying, again. Well I always panicked everytime. The guy always cry so what's the difference?

The difference is what I felt that time. Having him wrapped in my arms, that was the very first time I felt him close. The first time I felt someone so genuine to me. I didn't know what's gotten into me but I pulled him into a hug. Tine is a soft-hearted person. I never knew that fact until now.


I called tine when I got into the apartment. I pulled off my shoes and head to where tine is and found him sleeping. I pat his head. The fluff ball leaned to my touch but still kept his eyes close.

"Hey baby"

I said smile on my lips. He's the reason why I'm not alone anymore. Oh I forgot that I had another one now.

"You'll never be alone again. I won't let that happen"

I felt a pinch in my chest as I remembered Tine's word. What a huge promise he made there. I don't want to believe it. But I know I do. I hope he'll stay.

I remembered Tine's crying face. His nose and cheeks are red and his eyes are swollen but he's still cute. Now that I found out that he's a soft hearted one, I found him more adorable.

I was taken a back when I felt a wet muscle on my finger. That's when I found out that tine licked it. He woke up? Oh, did I zoned out?

"Hey buddy we're going to eat now. Come here"

I said as I carried him. Putting him in the counter top of the kitchen while I prepared food. My head is pounding and yeah I knew I catched a cold. Our last practice was tough. A member of us did something bad and we all suffered to the punishment. I decided to just make a porridge for myself. Yeah I got used to do things on my own. Even when Mom is still alive, I never tasted her cooking. She never took care of me even just for once.  I was completely on my own and my sister.

After cooking I forced myself to eat even just a little. I don't have an appetite but still forced myself to do so since I have to take medicine. After doing what I have to do I found myself continually coughing while wrapped in my bed. Tissue box on my side and a big water bottle. My limbs are aching and I can feel my head throbbing.


I softly cursed after throwing the crumpled tissue on the bin that I put beside the table.


"Why you always look happy? I wish I can be like you"

I said as I held her hand. She's smiling from ear-to-ear.

"We can't control things around us Wat. There's nothing gonna change if I drown myself to my emotions. Might as well be happy and let things be"

She said with her soft voice.

Liar. Look at her eyes Wat. She's lying. She's suffering.

"Promise me one thing Wat"

Her hand caressed my cheek.

"Whatever happens don't let the world destroy you"

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