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A/N: Umm.... still remember me? XD


Chapter Thirty Nine:




I snapped in realization that it was Pear who's calling me.

"Are you really okay?"

I nodded.

"I'm sorry its just that I didn't get enough sleep last night"

I said apologetically while rubbing my nape.

"No, it's fine. That's what you get for being a Law student. Speaking of that, how's your study? Lately I've been seeing you barely hanging out with your friends"

At first I was shocked. I didn't knew that Pear actually pay attention to me that much. I should be happy about that right? But I feel nothing. The more I spent time with Pear the more I feel selfish. It was few days ago when she asked me out, not that kind of way you think instead she said that it was a payback on what I did the last time. Turns out that it was her step brother who happened to be her ex, few years ago. They didn't had communications after their break up but then one day she found out that her ex is the son of her Step Dad's from his first wife.

I knew it was not a date but a friendly date instead but I feel guilty because I lowkey using this opportunity to clear my mind. Pear still makes me feel tingles she's still my first love but then Sarawat happened. He's a guy, the first guy I ever liked and now I'm f*cking confuse about my feelings. I had to clear my mind and found out who I really chose between them. I really feel confuse right now.

Apart from my feelings, Sarawat is also confusing me. But then I realized that it was my fault anyway, I knew it's not the right time to bring that thing up but I insist. But what would I do? I was afraid that if I didn't say it I would regret it again just like the first time. And besides, how can I be calm when I knew that Monica is there with him? Monica is his first love, same as Pear to me. And it's not impossible for him to fall in love again with her, right? Pear still have this affect on me. What if he will like Monica again?

I'm a hypocrite trying to be confident in front of Monica but to be honest I feel very insecure. She is his first love, a beautiful woman indeed. But even though her personality sucks she's the reason why Wat decided to ran away. It is because he couldn't stand seeing Monica with his own Dad. That reason alone can tell how much Wat loved her. He had feelings for her that is not imposible to bring back.


Pear look at me worriedly and I remembered that she asked me a while ago.

"O-h yes it's fine, it's just that I'm busy. Sometimes I ditched them. What about you? Does your step brother still bothering you?"

I asked.

"No, luckily he stopped. He thought that you're my boyfriend"


I couldn't say anything back.

"Am I being selfish if I didn't do anything to clear it to him that we're not?"

My eyes widened at that. But then I realized that it's not a big deal.

"It's fine. If it will keep him away from you then it's fine"

I said. Shrugging my shoulders. I saw that she was surprised on what I've said but then she looked at me in seriousness.

"Then let's keep it that way. I mean, you and I can be more than friends"

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