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Chapter Forty Six:


I know for a fact that there is something bothering Tine. He tends to overthink everything and he feels ashamed because he doesn't want to come out like he always seek for my attention which is wrong. Just like him, I want him to open up to me but everytime I ask him he always says that he's fine even though he's not. So it is better for me to wait for him when he's ready.

I will wait for him to open up to me. Because If Tine is my home, then I want to be his home too. Someone that he can lean on to.

I hugged him, silently sniffing his scent while listening to his soft sobs all while rubbing gently his back calming him down. I closed my eyes and peppered soft kisses on to the top of his head. He looked up at me and I took it as a chance to wipe his cheeks.

"You okay now baby?"

His eyes are red and puffy making them more adorable.

"Y-es I'm fine. I'm sorry for bei---"

"It's fine my love"

I said as I kissed the tip of his nose making him flushed. He looks surprised.

"You should not be surprised everytime I do that. You should get used to that now that you're mine"

I said winking at him. He smiled and once again snuggled on to my arms again. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the moment.

"I'm jealous...."

I opened my eyes when he said that. It came out almost a whisper good thing that I catched up on what he said.


So it is because of jealousy? Now, I see.

"I'm jealous because of Monica. I didn't want to tell you about this because I don't want you to think about it"


I said. Ushering him to continue. I started to rub soothing circles on his back. I can feel that he's having a hard time telling me this so I have to be careful not to mess things up.

"I know that you're doing this because you said that this is the only thing that will give you peace from your past. And I don't want to be a hindrance to that just because I'm being selfish. I trust you Wat but I don't know....why I feel like this.... I'm... I'm sorry"

He begun to sunk deeper on my embrace.

"Everytime you're not with me I keep thinking that you're with Monica. Someone that you used to love, someone that used to be your love. Someone that had you first before me....I know it's being childish but I can't stop thinking about it..... She's a woman....A woman that will give you family...a woman that can bare a child for you.....Someone that is capable to give a normal life..."

I felt a pang in my chest when he said that.

"But she's not you. She's not the person I love. She's not the person I'm looking for. Someone that I can call home. Someone that I can share my problems with. Someone that will give me peace of mind but will wreck my whole life and make it more exciting. It was you Tine"

I heard him holding his sniffles. but I can feel my shirt wetting again because of his tears.

"She used to be the person I love but never became my world. She never became my everything....It was you Tine. You're my present, she's my past and it will stay like that forever....Now, can you look at me?"

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