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Chapter Twenty Eight:


I didn't do anything but cry. Everything seems like a nightmare. It hurts. Everytime I close my eyes all I can see is Wat's face. The anger, the disappointment written on his face was too much. I never thought that it would be his reaction. I know he will get mad but I didn't paid attention on what would be the consequences if he found out. I never felt betrayed so I will never understand. But if I was on his shoe I probably react like that too. I deserved it.

It wouldn't be like this if I didn't know his past, It wouldn't be like this if I didn't get too close to him. Now I know what Type mean. I should've just listen to him. I shouldn't pry on the things that I'm not supposed to get involved on to. So it wouldn't hurt this much but deep inside I regret nothing. Everything I've done was all because I care for his being yes, my reason was because for the sake of money but I didn't know when did it begun I genuinely cared for him. I never realized how much important he is in my life not until this happened. I want him back. It's breaking me apart and knowing that he feels it 10x worst than me is too damn unbearable.

"I thought you're different from them, turns out that you're just the same. Tell me how much did he pay you huh?! How much is my f*cking worth to you Tine?!!"

Once again, I clenched my tear-drenched pillow as I remembered Wat's word.

"No, Wat. You mean so much to me. I'm so sorry.... I'm so sorry for hurting you"


I looked at the door only to see my Mom standing there. She's holding a tray of food and keys on his other hand. I locked the door and never opened it whenever she knocks.
I wiped my cheeks and sat up.

"I'm sorry...I just couldn't stand doing nothing when I know you're in pain Son. So I got the keys"

She said, she put the tray on the bed side table and sat on my bed facing me. Even though I don't want her to see me all like this I couldn't do anything because I know I needed her.

"I-s it because of your girlfriend?"

She asked hesitantly. I shake my head. I'm not in a relationship with anyone.

"Oh dear. Then what happened? Tine, you have to tell me whatever it is because it's destroying you. It's been 2 days and you're not being yourself. If it is not because of a girl then who is it?"

She said worry in her eyes. I know she won't let it pass so I just open up to her. I sat up with my aching body. I just felt tired and everything. Seems like my body feels weak due to starvation I'm doing with myself. I just couldn't eat.

"T-here is a friend of mine. I did something that made him mad. I broke his trust and I don't know how to fix it. I tried to approach him, to explain b--ut he keeps avoiding me. He become so distant and doesn't even look me in the eyes. It should have been better if he yells at me but he doesn't....he just gave me cold shoulder and it hurts"

I said as I tried my best not to cry in front of her. I remember the way Wat's cold treatment these past few days.

"That's messed up. Broke anything but not someone else's trust Tine. It will take a deep damage to that person"

"I know. And I want to make it right"

"That person must trust you too much. You should understand that he had it worst than what you are feeling now"

"I w-ant him back"

That's when I couldn't hold back anymore. I cried and she pulled me into a hug patting my back.

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