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Chapter Thirty-Seven:


Let me know when you're ready to talk to me../


You assh*le at least let me know you're still breathing/


I miss you please come back/


I tossed my phone on my backpack and let out a frustrated huffed. Damn it. I'm losing my mind. It's been a week already and Wat is still not answering my calls. Even though I'm not sure if he's going to come back there's still part of me waiting and hoping for him to do so.

I trust Wat.

He can't just tell me he loves me and then disappear into thin air just like that! Even though I'm longing for him and my head is a mess I have to go on in my life.

I took a sigh once again before checking my backpack and took a quick glance on the mirror. Now I'm ready to go out. I just finished my duty at my part time job. I took the trash bags on my way out the establishment. After putting it on the trashbin.

"I'm sorry I took too long"

I turned around and found out that it was Mil. He's talking to a guy. He's also got out from the work. I was ready to go when I saw him kissing the guy on the lips. My eyes widened at that. Wait. Hold up.

The smile of both of their faces are too bright. I was stunned to where I've standing. It's not a big deal for me actually but looking at it in front of me makes me feel weird. This is new to me actually. Seeing two guys kissing and I never thought Mil is into guys.

I was about to go because I knew that is their privacy but then I step on a can making a noise that made them turn their heads to me. They both look surprised to see me there.

"I umm I---"

I didn't know what I'm trying to say actually. This is so awkward.

"Tine I'm sorry you have to s-ee that"

Mil said. He looks so red as well as the guy who can't even looked me in the eyes.

"I-t's fine"

I said. But then I saw something on Mil's face that I couldn't put into words.

"I will understand if this will gonna change things between us"

He said in a low tone that made me feel guilty. Mil is a good co-worker and a friend of mine. Does he think that after knowing him dating a guy will gonna change anything between us? Aside from feeling guilty I also feel offended at that.

"And why would you think that I will treat you different?"

He looked surprised at that as well as the guy who's now looking at me.

"I don't know. It's just that some people I knew do it"

"I'm not the same as them Mil. I don't think it's something to be embarrassed about. Don't worry there's nothing gonna change. We're still friends"

They both looked to each other then a smile appeared on their lips.

"Thank you Tine. Oh by the way, he's Phukong"

He introduced the guy. Who took a step closer to me and lend his hand that I gladly took.

"I'm Tine, Mil's co-worker. Nice to meet you Phukong. Anyways, are you two umm--"

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