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Chapter Twenty One:


"Sorry for yelling at you Tine. I didn't mean to do that"

Wat said all in his soft tone. We're here under the night sky lying at the field beside each other.

"Well that's what I get for being nosy"

Then I felt him looking at me. I heard him sighed then decided to stare at the moon above us.

"It's just that I'm not used to have someone to lean on. I'm used to keep it all in myself, that's what I'm good at"

"Then get used to it from now on"

I said and faced him. I smiled at him and earned a small smile in return.

"You don't have to say it right now if you still not comfortable but I just want you to know that I'm here for you, when you feel that it's getting too much you can lean on me. I also want to apologize for what I did earlier. I also yelled at you. Well you can't blame me because I snapped when you said that I should have just forget about it"

I said in all honesty. Once again I laid on my back now both of us staring at the moon. Silence engulfed both of us.

"Remember when I told you that I don't have family anymore?"

I nodded.

"I lied"

Am I angry? No. The fact that knowing that he still have his family makes me feel at peace.

"Well some part of it was a lie. Mom died and My Dad....I don't have idea ever since I left the house. I grew up with a decent loving family. A perfect Dad who's happily married to my Mom and a loving twin sister. But those are just facade. I have that kind of family for the sake of everyone's watchful eyes. No one knows who we really are behind those fake assumptions. You see, Dad and Mom are forcefully married to each other. They hated each other but they can't do anything. After all they knew it will bound to happen between them since they are still a child. Dad was promised to marry the only daughter of the family who helped Grandpa when he's still in depth. So Mom and Dad left with no choice. Having children on their own were never been their plan from the start but once again they were forced to. So they had me and Sarah...."

I can feel the sadness in his voice when he said the same name again. Sarah, so she is Wat's twin sister.

"We never once had peace at home and the most happiest days of our lives back then when we're just out in the public. Knowing that our parents will act as if we're okay. At least that's our Grandparents wants but they are also aware about the truth. We grew up without their guidance, we're free to do everything we want because they don't care about us at all. From the start it was just me and Sarah. And you know what? I can't just wait to grow up. All I want is to ran away from that house that never been home for me. I always hear my Mom crying in agony everytime she found out that Dad is cheating on her. Not because she loves him but because she felt bad to herself because she can't leave him even though she has the reason to. She keeps begging Grandpa to let her out that mess but he just turned blind eye in everything. And the cycle repeat just like that for years. Back then I often leave the house and just came back whenever I want to visit Sarah"

I was quite the whole time and just listened to him to continue.

"Unlike her I can't just stay where I felt suffocated. I have to get away with that hell. Sarah being a soft hearted she is, she keeps hoping that everything will get better. She's still hoping that someday our Parents will show affection to us but it never happened. After all we're just nothing to them, they only cared about themselves. I was 18 when I met Monica....."

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