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Chapter Eighteen:


Days passed by. Here I am at my room at Saturday night, I'm busy doing some of my school works. Exam is near and I found myself anxious over it everytime. I have to finish the pending works so I have the whole time to study My performance is not that bad but still it's not enough at least for me. While I'm busy typing at my laptop the reflection I got from the article a sudden knock came from the door.


It was Mom.

"Can I come in?"

"Yes Mom!"

That's all I said. She entered the room with a tray of food in her hands. I stood up and took it and placed in my study table. It's a glass of milk and some muffins.

"Make sure that you eat your snacks. Anyways remember the event I told you yesterday?"

She asked and I found myself getting uncomfortable.


"We'll be there together with your brother. He'll come by tomorrow. Make sure you cleared your schedule"

She said holding my hand.

"Mom can I just stay here? I have a l---"

"That can wait. You always skipped our family gatherings Tine. This time I won't let you do that again"

"But Mom---"

She put her finger near my lips stopping me to talk.

"No buts. I gotta go now, go to sleep after doing your school work. Don't over work yourself"

She said as she gave me a kissed on the cheek. With that I just nodded before watching her out the door. I slumped on my chair running my hands on my face.

Another shit is coming again. This time I can't run away anymore. I sighed deeply and proceed to finish what I have to do. It was 11pm but still I can't sleep. My mind is full of thoughts. I'm nervous for tomorrow. I just don't wanna go. I took my phone and texted Mil.

Hey, don't you have anything to do tomorrow? I can take care of your duty

Few minutes after he replied.

No, I can manage. Besides, your Mom talked to Ms. Ana yesterday that you're not feeling well. Are you okay now Tine?

I felt my palms become sweaty. Mom really did that?

Mil is one of my workmates at the fast food resto I'm working on.

Yeah I'm fine now.

Don't over work yourself Tine. You need to take a rest. Anyways gotta go now. Please take care!

Yeah thank you

That's all I replied before locking my phone. Mom made sure that I'll attend that stupid gathering leaving me no choice but to come. I hate it. I don't want to go there. I feel like I'm not belong there.

I unlocked my phone and I found myself staring at Wat's number. A small smile appeared on my lips when I reread our conversations. The convo is just full of repeatable messages exchange. Like asking each other's where we are because we're going to met at certain places. Other than that we don't talk in the phone much. But even though we don't do that often at least we're closer than before. Maybe we're not that kind of type of friends who loves having conversation virtually.

Speaking of Sarawat I managed to help him to make up with his friends. His two best friends sulked at him because of what happened but then they made up and told that they are just messing with Wat. I didn't knew that they never had a chance to visit Wat back then so after knowing that I did they sulked at me too. However it's all done now. Sarawat is full of mystery, he loves to keep things on himself. I'm not sure if ever he told his friends about his family actually. But even though I'm the first person that Wat let in on his apartment doesn't mean I'm special because I'm no better than Boss and Man who doesn't know anything about Wat.

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