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Chapter Eight:


After class I decided to look for Sarawat. He's not in his faculty anymore so maybe he's already in his football practice. I knew that he practiced till night so might as well tell him that we're just going to buy it by tomorrow.

"Looking for your hubby?"

I jumped out when suddenly someone talked
behind me. I turned around and saw the two familiar guys. They are Sarawat's friends.

"I'm looking for Sarawat where is he?"

I asked. They both looked in each other's eyes then they turned to me.

"Oh that's why"

The guy who has stubble said.

"What do you mean?"

He shrugged.

"Sarawat asked the coach for permission to go home early today. He didn't tell the reason why so he had a hard time convincing him"

He answered as a playful smile appeared both on their lips.

"You have a date huh?"

They asked. And I looked at them in disbelief.

"No we don't. We're just going to do some errands. Where is he now?"

"At the field"

"I thought he's not going to attend the practice?"

I said as I scanned them. They are wearing their jerseys so maybe they are going to head out there soon.

"Told you he had a hard time convincing the coach so he just offer to do the cleaning duty and he's good to go"

The guy said.

"Things Sarawat do for you Teepakorn"

The other guy who had a fair skin said scanning me up and down.

"Shut up. He did that to himself so don't blame me. Anyway stop calling me by my surname! My name is Tine!"

I said angrily.

"Okay fine. By the way I'm Boss and this is Man"

I just stared at them.

"That's our name. No pun intended"

I just nodded at them. Their names are weird so I thought he's joking.

"We're on our way there might as well go with us"

Man said.


"Sarawat my dear friend!!!! Yooowooo your wifey is here"

Man said but he moved his fingers through his lips like he's zipping it when I sent him a glare. However Sarawat showed up with a mop in his hand. Poor guy he had to clean.

"We're going!"

Boss said as he dragged Man out.

"I was about to tell you to cancel our plan since I thought you're going to have a practice until night but too late to back out now. I think?"

"You should've told me earlier Tee---"


He just looked at me coldly.

"Well Mr. Sarawat I don't have any ways to contact you"

I said in all honesty and he just nodded.

"Do you think the store still open?"

"Yeah i think so. It's inside the mall so maybe it follows the mall hours"

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