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Chapter Twenty Three:


"Do you often get nightmares?"

I asked Wat who's now leaning on my shoulder. We're both sitting on the couch both settled to occupy the left side when in fact there's still much more space on the other side. I don't know what's gotten into me because I decided to squished Wat, I just want to get close to him as much as possible. We're both wrapped on the blanket he gave me and he's head on my shoulder. He's just quite the whole time but then I broke the silence.


I just nodded at him. I felt him moved only to found out that he just made himself more comfortable on our position right now. This is the very first time he's been touchy to me, yeah we already hugged each other but how come this feels different? It makes me feel things.

"When you slept here. What have you done to calm me?"

He asked that made my heart jumped.


You hugged him Tine. What's wrong telling him that? It's not a big deal. I said to myself.

"That was the very first night I felt at peace. I woke up feeling recharged that's why I'm asking"

He continued. I can't see his face because his bangs covering it.

"Maybe because you slept for days? But if you're asking what I did back then, well I didn't do anything much. I just stayed by your side"

I answered.

"What if I got used to it?"

I felt my heart beat faster at that. Really what's happening to you Tine?

"Then get used to it"

I said as if his words not affecting me.

"Then suddenly you disappear"

Suddenly I felt a sudden pang in my chest at his words. His past must really took a toll on him making him feel that everything he has had it's own end.

"I won't"

That's all I said. Then the silence engulfed us.

"I think you're right. I need to let go of my past"

I was taken a back on his words.

"That's brave of you Wat. You can do it"

I said with a smile on my lips.

"Maybe that's the reason why I always having a nightmare. What if Sarah just wants me to let her go?"

"I don't know but the fact that you're willing to let go of your past is a brave move Wat. I'm happy for you, not anyone can do that you know"

I said in all honesty.

"I don't know. Maybe if I met you earlier I already done it"

I felt something in his words. I can't point out what it is but it makes me...Urg! I don't know. I have no idea.

"And what does it have to do with me?"

"Maybe all I need is a little push so I can finally let go of it and that push I'm talking about is you"

He said as he place his head on my lap. Now in more comfortable position.

"No you did it all alone. I didn't do anything much"

"You stayed by my side through all my breakdowns Tine. You being here beside me is enough"

He said now looking directly at my eyes.

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