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Chapter Thirteen:


It's been days since I started to be part of the Music club and I don't do much except pestering Sarawat. I only pretend practicing when either Air or Dim are around but when they aren't I'm free to do anything I want. Just like now, I dance to the beat that a certain guy playing on the drum but then his phone rang so he decided to stop playing and answered it. I decided to play but because I don't know how to I ended up getting a smack on the head by a drumstick from Sarawat.

"Stop messing around. You're too noisy"

He said. But I didn't listen instead I decided to tease him more but I quickly stopped when everyone is glaring at me including Sarawat.

"Told you so"

He said and I just pouted. Once again he tap my head using a drumsticks.

"Tine is running out of food"

My eyes widened.

"Oh no. I still don't have money"

I answered.

"Told you he's mine. I'll buy it for him but you gotta help me"

I nodded my head and before I could even say something Dim, Air and another guy entered the room. My gaze landed on the guy that is with them only to see him looking directly at me. I looked at him confusedly when he maintained our eye contact like he's reading me. He's weird. I don't want to lose so I keep looking at him without blinking. But then Dim clapped his hand that brought me back to reality.

"Okay as part of our Music Club activities we're going to have a welcoming party for our dear new members. Actually It was cancelled yesterday so we're going to have it on friday. But before that you're going to have a task and that would be a video with your partner playing whatever instruments of your choice. Newbies will be partnered with the seniors of course and it will be submitted to me till Thursday night. Air will be the one who will list down the names of your pairs, make sure to approach her for that"

Dim said and after he said that he left. Sometimes I hate him acting all cool and superior to anyone. I was about to say something to Wat but then the guy before is already in front of me.


My forehead creased at his tone. He's loud.

"I'm Green and you?"


I said a little bit hesitant. He lend his arm to me and I took it so it won't be rude. This guy is friendly, I see.

"Nice to meet you Tine. Do you have a girlfriend?"

My eyes widened at that. I mean out of all the questions out there he's going to ask me that out of nowhere?

"No, I don't have"

"A boyfriend?"

Again I looked at him confusedly but then I shake my head.

"So you're single. But that would change from now on. You're cute Tine. Do you believe in love at first sight?"

OKAY. I think I know where it's going. I saw Sarawat watching the whole thing. A smirk in his lips is showing.


I answered in all honesty. I mean how can you fall for someone by just seeing them once. Well sometimes I found myself giving attention to girls I found attractive but never did fall for someone at first glance. I fell for Pear for a reason and her looks is just a bonus.

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