Zeus paced back and forth waiting for the doctor to tell him it was ready. The last year had been like no other for this god. He had traveled down to earth to pay a visit, and just like always Zeus couldn't help but fall in love.
Her name was Diana Landis. Her long brown hair was the softest thing he had ever touched, and deep blue eyes reminded him of a stormy sky, and her smile always brightened the room almost as if Apollo had walked in.
Zeus had met her on the outskirts of Philadelphia at a national park. She was hiking on the trail and she had gotten stuck in a huge storm. She had twisted her ankle hiking next to a river, and she was unable to walk. No one dared to go out to save her from the flooding river. So Zeus, being a god, went out and found her drenched next to a river.
Even though she was wet, alone, and hurt she still managed to have the bravest face. She had somehow been able to construct a cast around her leg, and she was trying to stand. Zeus was so entranced by her beauty and spunk that in that moment he knew he was in love.
After the many protest from Diana about how she could walk back herself, she gave in and let Zeus carry her back to the lodge.
Zeus asked so many times for Diana to go on a date and he got denied until finally she got tired and she agreed. she quickly fell in love too, and one thing lead to another and later that month she found she was pregnant.
Zeus became frightened when she told him the news because of the pact he and his brothers made years ago to not father anymore children because they were to powerful. Granted Zeus had broken it a couple of years ago and had a child with an actress, but with Diana it was different, he was in love with her.
Zeus then decided to tell Diana everything. He told her that he was the king of gods and that the child inside of her was a demigod, and that since the child wasn't supposed to be alive that she would be hunted. Diana took this hard, saying that she didn't want her child to be hurt. So Zeus went back to Olympus to try and wash away suspicion from him. Hera could never know.
However, Zeus took care of Diana and the baby she held. He sent money, and gifts. But he mostly sent letters.
Then the day finally came when Zeus got the message from his trusted messenger, Hermes, that Diana was in labor, and that she had asked for Zeus to be there for her
That leads us back to Zeus pacing in the waiting room, nervously waiting for the doctor to tell him that it was time. Hoping that everything was going to be okay, that nothing would go wrong.
Finally the doctor appeared at the door. "Mr. Landis, it's time for her to start pushing." He said. Zeus walked in to see the red faced and sweaty Diana on the bed. She gave him a smile as Zeus took her hand in his the doctor looked up. "Okay Diana, push"
Zeus watched as Diana's beautiful face crinkled and she let out a scream. she squeezed his hand. she kept pushing, and pushing until Diana's screams turned into an infants scream. Zeus looked up to see the pink newborn baby crying in the doctors arms.
"Congratulations, it's a healthy baby girl." he said quickly giving the slimy baby to Diana who then quickly wrapped it into a blanket.
Zeus and Diana both looked down at the baby in awe. The little girl had stopped crying as soon as Diana started cooing at her. The baby looked up and Zeus saw that the babies eyes matched Diana's to a T. Even her wisps of brown hair looked like Diana's.
"She's beautiful." Zeus exclaimed softly petting the little babies cheek. "What are you going to name her?"
Diana looked at the infants face. "Jamie, her name is Jamie." she said.
As soon as those words left her mouth the room was filled with beeping. the doctors rushed up to see that Diana's heartbeat and vitals were way off. "Something's wrong" the doctors exclaimed.
Zeus quickly grabbed the once again crying baby from Diana's seizing arms. His face full of fear for her. Looking up he saw in the corner of the room a fading Hera. Hatred filled Zeus' soul. Hera was doing this to Diana, she must have found out and was know making Diana pay with her life. Zeus watched hopelessly as the doctors tried to save Diana's life, but in the end they failed. The last words ever said by Diana were "Keep her safe, keep our baby safe." and with that last breath she died.
Zeus stood there to stunned to move. All he could hear was the flatline of Diana's heart monitor and the cry of the baby she had left behind. he was then quickly ushered to the edge of the room where he looked down at the child. "I will protect you Jamie. I won't let her take you too. Trust your father." as soon as Zeus said those words Jamie's piercing cries went down to a soft whimper.
Zeus took the child the next day to the place he owned Philadelphia. It was a nice place roomy and cozy, a perfect spot away from monsters and away from Olympus.
Zeus knew he couldn't just leave Jamie at a orphanage, her scent would be to strong, and no mortal would keep her. So he did the only thing he knew that would keep her safe. He called upon his sister, Hestia.
She arrived upon Zeus' command, right in the house in her mortal form as a girl. "Can I help you brother?" Hestia asked.
"Sister, what I am about to ask will be no easy task. This child I hold in my arms is my child, Hera has killed her mother, and she is most likely after my daughter also. I can't let that happen. I need you to keep Jamie safe. watch over her until the day comes when she can go to camp. I know this is a lot of me to ask, but you are my only hope." Zeus pleaded with Hestia.
Hestia clearly saw the desperation in his eyes. If she didn't have the utmost respect for her brother she would have declined, but there was no way she could say no to the person who had saved her life all those years ago. "I will do it." she said holding out her arms. Zeus passed her the child who immediately started crying.
"Thank you, sister." Zeus said. "I am forever in your debt." And with that he gave Jamie a quick kiss on the forehead and he disappeared.

I Am Wind (Will Solace)
FanfictionJamie Landis was hidden from the world protected by a goddess until the day she could travel to Camp-Half Blood by herself. Not knowing her true parentage causes her to attract waves of monsters, and causes her to be in danger because she doesn't kn...