Thankfully Will was able to hail us a taxi that would take us to the caves. The whole ride there I fiddled with my arm cuffs because the closer we got the caves the more nervous I got. And judging by the Will kept twirling his bracelet, he was feeling just as nervous as me.
"What do you think is waiting for us down there?" I asked.
"I don't know but whatever it is, it's going to be powerful." Will said. "It will probably try to kill us."
"Just like those things on the train, Notus and his band of evil nymphs, and Aphaia." I said.
"Fair point, but you knew how dangerous these quests are."
"I thought I did, I thought our biggest issues were going to be getting lost, and maybe a small hellhound, not falling from trains and getting attacked by gods."
Will just scoffed. "I'm surprised we didn't get attacked more." He said. "I mean you are a daughter of Zeus."
"Please don't remind me."
We went silent and watched as the taxi pulled to a stop, and we paid the driver and got out and started following the signs telling us the way to the caves. Finally we reached a building, and I reached for the door, but it was locked.
"What in Hades!" I asked trying again.
"It's closed." Will said looking at a sign. "It's closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays."
"Great today is Tuesday, and I'm not waiting till Thursday to go down there." I said angrily pulling at the door again. "If only Connor was here, then he could break in."
"Jamie," Will said, but I continued pulling on the door handling hoping that if I pulled enough it would popped open. "Jamie!"
"What?" I asked exasperated that Will wasn't helping me.
"We're not suppose to go in that way, the light is telling me to go around back." He started walking off, and I let out a loud huff and followed him.
Will walked like he was in trance as he walked. "What are you seeing?" I asked curious to know what we were following.
"I told you, the light." He said turning left into the forest.
"That's reassuring, let's follow the light into the creepy forest to a secert entrance to a cave where there is something that is bound to kill us just so that we can retrieve a staff of a goddess who curses my existance."
"Shh," Will said swatting the air beside me.
"Tell me to shh," I mumbled to myself as I tripped over a root.
Finally Will stopped at a creek bed. "Are we here?" I asked looking around to see no cave entrance.
"Just about." He started following the creek down stream and it slowly started to get bigger, and then we reached a waterfall. We climbed down and Will stared at the waterfall. "Here"
"Don't tell me, it's behind the waterfall?" I scoffed. "Why are all evil lairs behind waterfalls?"
"It's not behind it, it's below it." Will said stepping into the water.
"Wait, what?!" I asked not wanting to step into the water. Last time I did that I was almost drowned.
Will stopped just as the water was up to his waist and he looked down. "Here, there's a tunnel that goes down." He looked up to see that I didn't follow him. "Come on!"
"You sure there isn't another way in?" I asked touching the water with my toe.
"No, so get your butt out here."

I Am Wind (Will Solace)
FanfictionJamie Landis was hidden from the world protected by a goddess until the day she could travel to Camp-Half Blood by herself. Not knowing her true parentage causes her to attract waves of monsters, and causes her to be in danger because she doesn't kn...