"I thought Demeter was the goddess of agriculture?" Connor asked.
Aphaia scowled making her basic's features crinkle into a very distastful way. "Don't speak her name to me." She said. "She main be the main goddess of agriculture, but back on the island of Aegina I had one of the most beautiful temples in my honor."
"Well, I've never heard of you." Connor said.
"Shut up!" I hissed hoping he wouldn't anger the goddess.
She let out an evil smile. "That's becuase you demigods never care to learn about us minor goddess' and gods, that was until he showed an interest."
All three of us looked to each other all of us wondering who she was talking about. "Who?" I asked.
"I'm not telling you. You are second class heroes compared to him." She stared wistfully into the distance as if he was there. Finally she looked back down to us. "And he wishes that I stop you from completing your journey."
"Yeah, and what are you going to do-" Connor sassed and he would have kept going if I hadn't slapped him across the back of the head.
"Be nice," I growled. "Your ladyship," I began hoping she woudln't chose to smite us. "Whatever that demigod promised you, he's lying."
Her firey red hair flailed up behind her as if a giant wind had blown it back. "He promised that when he comes to power, I will take that Skyla Demeter's place." She snarled. "And I will become his queen."
"You?" Connor scoffed, and I would have smacked him but Will just gave him a quick kick to the shin.
"I will finally get the respect I deserve, and all I have to do is stop you." She pointed at me, and as soon as she did vines appeared from the ground and they snaked around my ankles.
I let out a shirek and I started to hack away at the vines with my dagger, but as quickly as I cut them away they would reappear. Stratus soon came and started biting at them, but he was having as much luck as me. Soon Connor and Will started helping, but vines started wrapping around their ankles too.
We tried to get them off us, and as we struggled Aphaia disappeared back into the grass with an evil giggle. "We have to get off the ground!" I yelled kicking some vines away. I tried to summon some wind, but I couldn't concentrate long enough to lift all three of us off the ground. "Any bright ideas?"
Looking up from my struggle the other two looked as stumped as me. I was about to give up until Stratus barked and I looked over to see that he had grown and now was flying in the air. "That's it!" I yelled looking up at the clouds. "Nimbus!" I yelled.
I went back to struggling with the vines, however, I heard shaking and I looked up to see the grass growing taller. Wait, it wasn't grass, it was hedges. "What's going on?" Will yelled.
Peering around my heart started to sink. "Oh no," I said. "She's making a maze." Will managed to free himself, and he jumped and Stratus came and grabbed Will pulling him up to safety, and they both came over to me, and Will reached down for my hand.
"Stratus, can't hold us both, he's too small!" I yelled.
Just then their was a neigh, and looked up to see Nimbus in a cloud pegasus form. She flew down just low enough that I could wrap my arms around her neck, and she pulled me up with all her might, until I was clear of all vines. Now that I could concentrate I summoned the wind to push me onto her back.
"Guys!" We both looked down to see Connor struggling. "Help!"
However, the maze was growing taller, it was about two stories high now, and it seemed to be closing up. "This your test!" I yelled down to him.

I Am Wind (Will Solace)
FanfictionJamie Landis was hidden from the world protected by a goddess until the day she could travel to Camp-Half Blood by herself. Not knowing her true parentage causes her to attract waves of monsters, and causes her to be in danger because she doesn't kn...