November passed with me talking to Percy and Aunt Sally on the phone during Thanksgiving. They wished I could have joined them, but I was busy at camp, or that's what I told them. The reality was I was still trying to recover from my Fovos dream.
Chiron decided that it was time he started counseling me. I'm not sure if he was he was trying to achieve, and when I asked he just told me he was trying make me who I was suppose to be. Tamar had decided to start training me again after I apologized.
Our training regime consisted of intense wind training, rain training, and she was even trying to get me to do some lightning, but I was able to conjure a soft rumble. My training with Clarrise had also increased she was now increasing my strength by having me wear loads of armor, and fight with a long board sword and shield. My studies with Malcolm had become longer and more tedious.
By the time Christmas vacation rolled around, I was ready to spend it with Percy and Aunt Sally. I had even gotten into the Christmas spirit and got my friends gifts.
Just before I was about to leave, I made sure to give all my friends their gifts. I got Will a signed guitar by his favorite band, Aerosmith. Connor got a state of the art lock picking kit that I knew he wanted. Maple got some seeds from an exotic plant from the Philippians, and I got Tamar a crystal wind chime. I got Annie a pen that could draw 3D models, and lastly I got Percy a necklace with a bead that glowed when it touched water, and lastly I got Aunt Sally a beautiful painting.
I had ordered them, and I had no idea how they were going to arrive, that was until on night I was on the beach watching the sunset, something I usually did with Will, but he was in Med bay right now.
As I sat on the beach, I heard someone running along the sand, and I turned expecting to see a camper, but I saw a man who looked to be in his mid 30's with light brown hair and bits of gray in it, and he wore a track suit that seemed baggy on his skinny body. He had very familiar looks, and I had a vague feeling I had saw him before.
I stood up and got out my dagger wondering how a mortal could run into the camp because of the boundaries, but as he approached he stared at me, and then he stopped once he was a couple of yards away. "Hello." He said pleasantly and calmly. "I don't believe we've ever been properly introduced."
"Ask her if she has any rats?" Said a male voice that was almost hissing.
"George, that's no way to talk to a daughter of Zeus," Joined another voice only this was female.
"Who are you?" I asked raising my dagger.
"Hermes god of travel, messages, and thieves." Said the man bowing just a bit. "And I've come with the packages you ordered."
I stood there too stunned for words. "Oh, the poor thing, she looks soooo skinny" Said the female voice.
"I think she needs a rat, don't you Martha?" Said George.
"Who is that?" I asked peering around. "Are they invisible?"
"What?" The man asked. "No, they're just really tiny tight now." He pulled out a cellphone and pulled up the antenna and slithering around it were two very tiny snakes. I took a step back still not over my fear of snakes. "They won't hurt you, they only eat rats."
"Rats are good." George said.
"Oh, okay." I said not really sure how to answer to that. "So you're the one delivering packages to me? Don't you have like servants to do that for you?"
"Oh many, and they are delivering packages and messages right now, but I wanted to personally deliver yours."
"Why?" I asked confused as to why a god, an Olympian for that matter, would want to personally give me my stuff.

I Am Wind (Will Solace)
FanfictionJamie Landis was hidden from the world protected by a goddess until the day she could travel to Camp-Half Blood by herself. Not knowing her true parentage causes her to attract waves of monsters, and causes her to be in danger because she doesn't kn...