As the months passed the more uneasy I started to feel. I was getting less and less sleep each night because my dreams were plagued with nightmares. All I could think about was when Luke was going to attack the camp. Unfortunately, my friends could see this was taking a toll on me, no matter how hard I tried.
In November, I was sitting in the dinning pavilion at the Demeter table listening to Katie Gardner talk about something, I wasn't really paying attention though. My head began to nod off, and I would snap up and nod my head like I knew what she was talking about. However, soon, I was having such trouble keeping my eyes open, I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep.
"Jamie?" I snapped my head up, and looked around to see that everyone was gone, and Will was looking down at me. "You have a fry on you face."
I brushed my face off, and I stood up rubbing my eyes. "Where'd everyone go?" I asked.
"Dinner is over, they left." He said picking up my plate and putting it over to where the other dirty dishes were.
"And no one thought to wake me?" I asked angrily.
"Everyone was too scared to wake you." He pointed out. "Now come on," He grabbed my hand and started pulling me off.
"Where are we going?" I yawned.
"To the Med bay, I'm gonna give you something that will give you a good nights sleep."
"I'm fine." I lied.
"Jamie, you have dark circles so bad that you are starting to look like raccoon."
"Well, thanks for not sugar coating it." I mumbled as we stepped into the building. There were only two others in the building, Lee, and Lucy, and judging by the looks they gave me they knew Will was bringing me here.
Will pushed me down onto one of the beds as Lucy walked up and handed Will a bottle full of purple liquid. He got a glass and poured about a shots worth and he handed it to me. "Drink." He said.
"Why do I always feel like you are always forcing potions down my throat?" I asked sniffing it to find that it didn't smell all that bad.
"Because your a wreck who is always in need of medicine." He said eyeing me down until I down the glass and handed it back to him. "Now, you're gonna have to sleep here. This is some powerful medicine, and I want to monitor you."
"I don't want to sleep in here." I said disgusted. "It reminds me of death."
Will sighed loudly. "You are the worst patient ever." He said. "Lee, can you help me here."
Lee, the Apollo cabin leader walked up and stared at me with an exasperated look. "Jamie, if you are not monitored you could have some serious side affects. Night terrors, nightmares, sleep walking, sleep talking, coma, and maybe death."
"Why in Hades did you let me drink that?!" I exclaimed looking to Will. "A good night sleep isn't worth the nightmares."
"Are you having nightmares?" Lucy asked appearing by Lee's side.
I looked down at my hands. "It's not important." I muttered as my eyes began to droop, and I yawned.
"I'll be here the whole time." Will said. "If anything happens, I'll wake you." He helped me lay back.
"Promise?" I whispered shutting my eyes.
I was almost scared to open my eyes because I thought I might wake up in another nightmare, but instead of hearing Luke's voice I heard the sound of waves, and I then felt a warm familiar touch. "Jamie?"

I Am Wind (Will Solace)
FanfictionJamie Landis was hidden from the world protected by a goddess until the day she could travel to Camp-Half Blood by herself. Not knowing her true parentage causes her to attract waves of monsters, and causes her to be in danger because she doesn't kn...