I pushed my food around on my plate as I just stared at it. As much as my stomach growled I wasn't really that hungry. The quest was the only thing on my mind. Was I going to come back? Was something going to go wrong? I mean I was the leader of the quest, so the other two were counting on me.
"You okay?" Tamar walked up and sat down across from me. "You look a little pale, and you haven't touched your food."
I sighed. "I got assigned a quest." I said getting a gasp from Tamar. "Yeah, I leave in three days."
"Why, you're safe here. If you go out you're going to get hurt, or worse." She said.
"I have to. I have to clear my name." I said. "I need to do this, besides I won't be alone. Connor and Will are going with me."
"The kid who steals from the camp store, and the one you hate?" She asked face palming.
"Yep." I said. "But I'll be fine." I'm not sure if I was assuring her or myself.
I sat on my bed looking at my empty bag, I should have been packed hours ago, but I hadn't been able to bring myself to do it. If I packed then it would really hit me, I was leaving my new home. Why do I always have to leave?
A knock on my door awoke me from my daze. "Hey, you okay?" Annabeth asked peeking in my door. "Chiron wanted to talk with you, but you haven't been out of your cabin in hours. He sent me to check on you."
"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied, but when I looked up at Annie I knew she could see right through me. "No, I'm not fine. Annie, I'm scared, everyone is looking at me like they'll never see me again. Like this is a death mission. Do you think I'll come back?"
Annabeth stepped into my room and took a seat next to me on my bed. "This mission won't be easy." She said. "And there is chance of death, but you are a daughter of Zeus, and if you can't do this mission, then no one can."
"Yeah, and that's what I'm scared of." I said biting on my fingernails. "Everyone thinks I'm someone special, but I'm not! I have barely any training under my belt, and I've been trying to be powerful, but I'm not strong enough, and I'm not smart enough."
"Hey, demigods aren't born great, they become great. You will learn how to do things as you go, and Will and Connor will be there to help you along the way. You're not alone." She said touching my hand.
"But I'm the leader of the quest! Those two will be looking to me to make the right decisions, what if I don't make the right ones? What if I kill one of them because I made the wrong decision? I couldn't live with myself after that!" I was starting to hyperventilate.
"Breathe, as long as you keep your cool, you'll be okay, you just have trust yourself." Annabeth said in a calm voice. "Your father won't let you fail, the gods are in your favor."
"Not Hera, she probably wants me to fail, she wants me dead!" I said.
"Yes, but she also wants her staff back, she won't strike you down until you bring it to her."
"I've never had this much responsibility in my life. I'm not ready!" I got up and started pacing. "I don't even trust myself that much!"
"Connor and Will do. So does Chiron, and so do I." She said trying to pull me back down on the bed, but I kept pacing. "Now, I'll pack for you, you need to go out and get some fresh air. Okay?"
"Okay, thanks Annabeth." I said before hastily walking down the stairs and out into the fresh air. Once outside the wind wrapped around me almost hugging me. I took a huge intake of breath and I instantly felt better.

I Am Wind (Will Solace)
FanfictionJamie Landis was hidden from the world protected by a goddess until the day she could travel to Camp-Half Blood by herself. Not knowing her true parentage causes her to attract waves of monsters, and causes her to be in danger because she doesn't kn...