Weeks passed with things hitting a all time boring. Now that over half the camp was gone, the rest of us were left with less than half the fun. Instead of sword fighting with Percy, I was left with Clarrise, who was a very impatient teacher as she tried to teach me the art of spear throwing. Malcolm, who had taking up teaching me, was either in a state of constant fear or irritation. Even Tamar seemed to be getting frustrated with me. The only people who I actually seemed to be content with was Will, Connor, and Maple.
It was mid to late October, and I was on top of the hill with Tamar trying to teach me how to make it rain, but I was having little success. "You're not even trying!" Tamar yelled.
"I am too!" I yelled back. "I just don't see how making it rain is going to help me protect this camp!"
"It's more than just making it rain. It's about-"
"Control, I know, you say that every day. I just don't understand why I can't just keep working with wind, that's what I'm good at." I argued.
"Because you are a daughter of Zeus, not the daughter of some minor god with one trick. You have so much in you, so much potential. You can't just focus on wind." She said.
"I don't believe I asked you." I said getting angry. "I think I asked you to teach me how to control wind."
"If you're unhappy with your training, then maybe you're not worth my time." She yelled back.
"Fine!" She twisted into the air, and disappeared leaving me sulking in the grass. I sat there pouting, until I saw Maple walking up the hill towards me. She was covered in dirt letting me know she had been working in the fields.
Once she reached me and saw my face she sat down. "Are you okay?" She asked. "You look upset."
"Tamar just quit on me." I said telling only half the truth.
"Because she says focusing too much on wind, she thinks I need to work on summoning rain."
"It has been exceptionally dry the past couple of weeks," Maple said. "The strawberry plants could use some rain."
I looked over at Maple and saw her innocent face. She wasn't asking me to make it rain, and nor would she, but she needed rain, not for her benefit, or to make me more powerful, but for the plants. It was sweet.
"Maybe I'll give it another go." I sighed shutting my eyes and concentrating on the clouds above. Instead of trying to conjure rain for the use of destruction, I tried the emotion serenity, and I thought of the life the rain would bring to the strawberry plants.
When I was about to give up because I didn't think it was working, I felt it! A drop! I kept my eyes shut, and kept concentrating, and the more I did, the more drops I felt until it was a steady shower. Peering open my eyes I saw the dark clouds, and the rain steadily falling. "You did it." Maple smiled. "How?"
"I just had to use a different emotion." I said standing up. "Let's get out of this rain."
As soon as I dropped Maple off at her cabin, I went to mine and took a long hot shower. Once I was done, I was tired so flopping down on my bed, I fell asleep.
Instead of waking up in my comfy bed, I ended up on the deck of some cruise ship. Unlike cruise ships I've seen on TV, this one was completely empty looking. "Hello?" I called out wondering if anyone was here, and why I was here. I started wandering around wondering how I ended up here.

I Am Wind (Will Solace)
أدب الهواةJamie Landis was hidden from the world protected by a goddess until the day she could travel to Camp-Half Blood by herself. Not knowing her true parentage causes her to attract waves of monsters, and causes her to be in danger because she doesn't kn...