'Long Island,' said the lady's voice over the intercom. Tamar and I stood up. I reached down and picked up Maple who was asleep on the sleep.
"How far is Camp-Half Blood?" I whispered to Tamar as she grabbed the bags.
"About 10 miles." She whispered back. "I'll call Argus, and he can come pick us up." I had no clue who Argus was, but I didn't question her. Tamar was telling me that she has done this many times before. She would go out in search of demigods, and she would bring them back here. She was one of the few nymphs that actually did the searching, according to Tamar it was usually Satyr's which I guess were half man half goats. Man greek myths had some weird stuff.
Once we were off the train we walked over to a pay phone. Tamar pulled out a couple of coins and began dialing a number. After it was dialed she put the phone to her ear. She waited, and I began to fear no one was going to pick up considering it was close to 10 pm but soon Tamar's face lit up. "Hello!" She said. "It's me, Tamar, yeah, I'm at the train station with two demigods. We need transportation to camp, do you think you could send someone." I waited and watched as Tamar listened. "Great, we'll meet you out front." And with that she hung up.
"So?" I asked.
"Argus is coming to pick us up in one of the Camp's vans." She said. "We're meeting him out front." She motioned for me to follow. I got up making sure I had a firm grasp on Maple. Her breathing was steady letting me know she was fast asleep, and I hoped it remained that way.
Once out front I started pacing back and forth unable to stay still due to my ADHD. I made sure to stay under the awning because it was pouring outside. However, the wind was whipping making the rain every now and then hit me. Turning my body, I made sure Maple wouldn't get wet. The storm was another reason why I was pacing, I wasn't to fond of thunderstorms. The bright lights of lightning followed by loud echoing thunder always sent shivers down my spine.
"Jamie, why don't you sit, Argus won't be hear for another 15 minutes." Tamar said. She was sitting on a bench that was pushed up against the train station. I trudged over and took a seat next to her, carefully maneuvering Maple so that she was in a comfy position. I looked to Tamar. "Is something wrong?" She asked looking down at my twitching leg.
"Thunderstorms scare me." I said being honest. "It reminds me of someone yelling at me."
"They used to scare me, but then my mother always told me that it was just Zeus saying hello." Tamar said. I still was unsure.
We were silent for a bit just listening to wind and rain, but finally Tamar spoke clearly not liking the silence. "Just to let you know about Argus.... he's not exactly someone you would see walking down the streets" I cocked my head in confusion. "How do I say this delicately.... he's covered in eye's."
"Wait... wait... wait... you mean you he's covered in I's as in tattooed with the letter I, or he has eye's as in e-y-e over his body?" I asked really hoping it was the tattoos.
"The latter." She said. "It kind of freaks people out when they first meet him, so I thought I would warn you."
"Who is his parent?" I asked hoping the camp wasn't covered with people who had eyes all over their body. Mostly because eyes freaked me out as they were. That's why I am so glad I don't need glasses or contacts. Eyes are just creepy.
"Oh, Argus isn't a demigod, he's a monster." She said so nonchalantly. I'm sure if I was drinking something I would have spit it out.
"What?!" I asked. "A monster is coming to take us to camp?"
"Oh, no, he's not a bad monster." She said. "He was created by Hera to kill Echidna, and once he did they he was sent to protect Hera's white heifer. Then Hera sent him to be the security guard of camp, and he does a great job at it."

I Am Wind (Will Solace)
FanfictionJamie Landis was hidden from the world protected by a goddess until the day she could travel to Camp-Half Blood by herself. Not knowing her true parentage causes her to attract waves of monsters, and causes her to be in danger because she doesn't kn...