82 : Love that hurts!

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Ignore mistakes please no proofreading done..hope you like the chapter! Happy reading!!💕


Manik's pov:

With every passing word di spoke, my heart shuddered at the slightest imagination of the what remained stored in next..I was expecting answers to the questions that stayed beheld by me for years together but with ever word, I only discovered things previously unknown. And so did it birthed hundred more questions I struggled to reason.

One of which, if Nyonika was in love with Randhir than why did she put up my sister as a bait, what's with all the 'deal' when could resort to an easier means.

With these thoughts swirling around my mind, I starred cluelessly at the walkman Curious at the very same moment dreading the following revelations-struggling to adapt and mould the reality previous at my exposure to fit the happenings in.

" I was mortified by everything I just heard hoping all of it to be far from reality, coming into my room as I sat trying to fathom the recent scenes the only thought or rather the person who kept popping was Dhruv, to say that I was worried about his reaction would be a understatement..I have known Dhruv to be very understanding and neither was the fact that he worshiped his father hidden from me, I could see and I knew the height of admiration he held for him and how much it would hurt him that his father had been lying to him the entire time...

I knew I wanted to tell him, to let him know about this, I had too..afterall it was his right he deserved to know. God for bid if ever this is revealed to him in some form and he realizes that this was no secret to me, he would be devastated...I would be betraying him...I could him- for forever.

I couldn't...couldn't lose him...I had failed the ability to live a life without him being in it." di's coherent sobbing as she spoke about Dhruv set ablaze a very unnerving restlessness in me, I could feel how much love she had for him. For all I have known her, it was tougher than moving a mountain to make her feel this way, weak and confused, she had always been a person who had her desires and wants very translucent from life and otherwise. Up until Dhruv, she only went this berserk whenever I was in question.

And for a matter of fact, di was aware and vigilant enough to know if someone's trying to lure her into things. She had always been extremely critical when it came to investing her trust and time in people and if Dhruv had got her to do the same he surely did put in some very rigid and valid efforts...or was atleast successfull enough to put a deeply convincing act up.

" As I kept reasoning and debating within me whether or not I should be saying this to Dhruv, when they barged into my room. I was aware that my actions regarding Dhruv had to be quick, I don't have much time vested with me. I stood upright as their evil smothered with smirk faces stood right before me. Rage filled me with the very thought that they have served people a life of betrayal, people they claim to love..

" ohh sweetheart have you lost your manners about no eavesdropping now!" Nyonika's mocked while I could only glare at their shameless figures.

" I guess your little secret is out now darling...tch, to bad it seems!" it was Randhir's sluggish remark as he slid his hand around Nyonika's waist, disgust filled me with the sight of them.

They chuckled finding my anger amusing which only made me hate their audacity so much.

" Darling haven't your dadu taught you good things?...tch..we'll let it pass though he was an old man afterall, since this comes off to me as a rare opportunity I'll do the honors...listen babygirl, you slip a word out of your petty mouth, you risk a loved one." he threatened me leaning closer making me despise him even more with every passing second.

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