66: Calming havens!

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Nandini's pov:

        Seconds turned into minutes and our hug turned tighter, his arms around me felt so serene, no wonder people say the arms of that one person in akin to heaven. One thing kept bugging me over and over again restraining me from feeling the moment altogether unlike all the other times I preferred voicing it out.

" Manik is your sudden disappearance to denmark and abrupt reappearance has also got something to do with it!?" I felt him heaving tideously in the crook of my neck before pulling out and facing me, his arms locked around my waist in a feathery grip.

" It is!" I gaped and heaved as he kept narrating about the rendezvous, at one moment my eyes dwelled with pride and awe by everything that he said and did to make sure everything that concerns me was out of any horrendous trouble lead by his mother, the next moment i felt awful knowing that he walked the thorns all alone when I assured him about having my side always but most of all I was amazed by the amount of courage this man here possessed.

" It must have been difficult right!?" I asked not just in the context of his plan albeit, his denial won't change the fact that he laid the bait for his biological mother agreed she didn't earn the honor of being addressed as a one yet knowing the person manik is it would have been a rock path for him.

" It was!...but so was it necessary, I let her annihilate everything ever close to me nandini i couldn't any more. Not a chance!" his finger tips caressed my cheeks mildly, his eyes layered with a whirlpool of emotions a part of it had agony but so did it posses a hint of solace.

I gave him a small warm smile before lifting myself up to stand on my toes and leaned towards him, getting close enough I let my lips rest on his perfectly sulked cheek conveying the unsaid, letting my lips stay there for more than a minute I backed out to see his gorgeously smiling face, ohh boy!! the charm of his hypnotizing curve is unmatched.

My eyes refused to leave the sight of his enigmatically endearing face, how much of a perfect mess was he! He raised his brows questioningly, I must surely be looking an absolute freak honestly I cared less, the sight before me was too delightful for guilt.

" It dawn!" I whispered scrutinizing the sky as it altered it's colours to a warm purple with a mush of orange, the sun was up radiating it's glory around as the nature rejoiced birth of a new day! This morning was unlike any other, it varied in many aspects..to name one it brought along actual lucidity to the both of us, i felt like I knew him better with his demons shed. The established emotional nudity made us trust each other more the thread biding us seemed to have grow stronger.

" Let's go downstairs we need rest, it's been a long night!" nodding at his words we left downstairs, I occupied the room beside his wanting to give him the space he deserves considering the recent overwhelming event, it has been much toiling for him and he needed to be with his thoughts more than anything right now.

Manik's pov:

      Entire last night dawned upon my memory as i layed down starring blankly at the ceiling, it felt amusingly light, now that she had all my past before her. It sure has been unresting of an experience, this time though with minimalistic drawbacks...the past that i always ran away from fearing the energy it brought along was now not hammering as usual, maybe because this time i knew i trusted the right person.

My mind wandered back to the instant she told me about forgiving myself, honestly forgiveness never came that naturally to me as it did to nandini considering she brushed aside all my shrewd inhuman remarks and deed and stood rock solid by me, i adopted the revengeful means from the very start it has always been an eye for an eye for me no wonder, the feeling of revenge is so deep rooted within me.

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