74 : Plight of the 'bad guy'!

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" This is some nonsense! I don't pay you for this nuisance and you dare to walk up to me with this! We are less than 2 months away from the presentation day and this is everything you have! Get those lazy horses working or else...brace yourself for the downfall!" raucous voice bombarded to the meek soul's eardrums making a shiver run down his spine, he trembled contemplating the uncertainty of his Master's action.

" Sir..this..is the final output with the necessary changes as advised by you.." his voice fragile held all the traces of fear, the little mustered up courage went downhill when a pair of rage-filled eyes gawked at him in utter disbelief particularly displeased by the audacity at the display.

" So...this is what you and your useless team think makes up for being presented as a representation for my company! Dare you blame your incompetence on me!" his furious voice roared through cabin walls, making the employee shriek.

" Sir...We are..sorry!" he spoke meekly letting his ego feed on his self-esteem.

Although that didn't suffice enough, the bosses' nose flared in anger refusing to let go of the matter at hand making him brace himself for the coming round of profanities.

He squirmed uncomfortable sighing at his utter bad luck. Before the voice could reach his ears once again making him wish for being deaf instead the door creaked open and walked a poised man.

Oh, the relief that spread at his chagrined face! The person's eyes changed faces from the grim one to the meek despondent one trying to contemplate the happenings.

The employee's languid self was enough of a word for him to comprehend the latter.

" Dad! What is it...you do know losing calm is going to get you nowhere right?" the man spoke suggestively moving towards the former's rigid self.

" Dhruv! Our everything is at stake and these fellows have no professionalism...is this how we are going to get that million-dollar of an opportunity!" Randhir Shekhawat spoke in a rough voice glaring at the employees' sweating self.

" Dad! Hold up...Anuj has been religiously working for the company for so long..I am aware of how crucial a deal it is, if that calms you I will be specifically attentive here on about every little step in progress...don't worry dad we've got this...the outcome is gonna be the beat Shekhawat's ever put forward.." Dhruv assured his father who still had uncertainty screaming from his tall posture and clenched fist.

The poor soul ran out at the very first gesture from Dhruv.

" Dhruv...I don't want Shekhawat's best! I want our presentation to be better than Malhotra! He mustn't at any cost snatch this from us. Already the mother has done enough, we are in debt, our investors are backing out. We'll be doomed if at all we lost this! You have got to be better than Manik."  Randhir affirmed with a stern voice looking right at his son before walking back to his chair.

Dhruv slumped over the couch parallel to the Randhir's table, resting his head dejectedly his eyes closed and wary screaming through his posture.

To say that he has had enough of the enmity between the two would be an understatement, the constant back and forth drained him to his utter core, he was done! Done being compared constantly to Manik, done being the ' bad guy!', done being his unreal self fighting for his father's supposed pride cost him his life!

The one figure he looked up to from the very start was Randhir Shekhawat, idolizing him to a point where nothing he says or does can be opposed or questioned by him and he to claimed to love his son beyond limits although ironically Manik was so much more on his mind than his son.

The rage he held for him overshadowed his love for his son leading to nothing but years of loneliness bestowed in his son's fate!

Dhruv chuckled dryly at this very thought, he was quite used to with his father's obsession with Manik! It bugged him the constant comparison, the pulling down, that inferior feeling birthed in him jeopardizing his own identity.

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