36: Photograph.....

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Nandini's pov:

It's been a week since that incident and cabir's arrival, we have been caught up in our work ever since as we were already lagging enough due to all the happenings, the weak went well with us completing major work of the project, apart from that yuvraj and cabir's teasing remained constant throughout the weak they literally found reasons to pick on me, though mr.manik malhotra was still oblivious of their Desperate teasing..

Talking about him...our bond grew beautifully in this weak, spending time together on site actually helped both of us to jell along well, we started having conversations beyond just work..i got to know a lot of interesting facts about goa by him, that boy actually knew a lot about the place than i thought he did..

But in this entire weak he never for once said anything related or even remotely close to his family or anything about the trauma that he is going through, he avoided talking about the incident as if it never happened..if he thought that our conversation was heading towards anything that sort he would convinently change the topic to something else, i somehow tried to divert a few conversations of ours towards the same but godd!!!! That guy is smart enough to get away with it...by now, i knew i had to be very very patient with him, he's been into darkness so long that this sudden flash of light is scaring him..I'll have to wait, wait for him to adjust to the light..wait for him to open up a little every moment..

Although In this period of time i saw a completely new version of him, the chill manik, if not too much at least he wasn't in his typical manik malhotra sulking mood..he started sitting with us for dinners...i still remember the first time he said he wanted to join us..cabir literally chocked on his food!! Andd Dammm his reaction was hilarious as his eyes went wider than ever and he coughed continuously trying hard to swallow the food and also digest the fact that manik was actually taking initiative..

I was really happy with him taking these baby steps..If it's our friendship that's making a difference i cannot tell how happy that makes me...it was fun to spend time with him, sometimes he did get back into his shell but before he could go further into it yet again i made sure i disturbed him by trying my best to make him spend his breaks with us...making sure i don't interfere in his personal space..

Tonight is the last night of ours in goa, as the remaining work can be done from mumbai and we are not really needed here also they are facing some inconvenience back in Mumbai, so manik was needed there....

It was 12:00 in the night and i couldn't sleep, i kept changing sides and trying my best to please the slumber to take over my senses but hell!! He was stubborn enough to not pay any heed to my pleading, tired! i finally decided to quit my anyways futile attempt and grabbed a pullover laying on the couch and left my room....


Manik's pov:

It was our last night here and like all the other night my insomnia refused to leave me alone causing me to stay awake, still i tried challenging it and decided to atleast try sleeping..

As i layed down the entire weak's happening's flashed before my eyes and my mind was consumed by the thoughts of the same..

I was so into my thoughts that i failed to recognize the voice of the door knob twisting but soon enough it managed to break my trance and i had a sudden realization that i haven't latched my door..

I felt a sudden rush of adrenaline but i decided to stay calm and wait for the intruders next step making sure to be alert enough to retaliate if he attacks..

I could feel the intruder's stealthy steps making their way towards me and soon he was close enough to the bed before he could do something i got up with a jerk expecting him to be ready with a knife for my murder but instead i heard a loud scream and the scene in front of me left me baffled..

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