70: Cohesive plane.

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Nandini's pov:

     I would be lying if I say the ride back to infinity was anywhere less than having an actual ghastly paranormal experience, I had my heart in my hand would be an understatement taking in accord the level of anxiety the thirty minutes of ride held.

After almost running to get the elevator with trembling cold feet and fingers having lost the slightest of stability to push the keys i somehow reached the desired floor, I kept reassuring myself of all the positive possibilities hoping that would help me keep my sanity intact but a sight of worried cabir tracing the length of the hallway furiously tapping on his phone's screen kind off gave me a summary of the heat waiting for my arrival.

With prudent steps i walked towards cabir evidently he responded to my presence looking up at my frame with uneasiness playing over his face.

" He's super furious, don't go in!" he warned me of the erupting lava I was already aware of, although he meant nothing but my own good I preferred otherwise, the longer his queries are kept at bay the more Knotty it will get.

" I'll handle him, I have to!" I spoke albiet my voice was laced with ounce of hesitation.

" I should have guessed he would backstab me!!" I groaned at the already spilt milk.

"In case you are talking about dhruv, he didn't! We happened to pass that cafe on our way to a meeting and that's when you caught manik's eyes!" he stated making me sigh at my sheer hard luck, inadvertently my gaze fell on him feeblely

" I.." with hardly a word leaving my chords, I tried justifying my actions only for my eyes to tear up giving it all away.

Cabir being the good friend he was sensed my plight as he came forward leaning a little taking me in a compassionate hug, even though it lasted for mere seconds it did wonders in providing my mind with a sense of belonging.

" Go..I am right here, it'll be fine." he whispered ever so softly before pulling away, with an encouraging smile he patted my shoulder slightly. He was possibly the best person to have as a friend and he kept proving the same time and again.

Giving him an assertive nod, I moved towards our cabin my each step heavy with the weight of uncertainty...His anger was the bare minimum that i was afraid of what terrified me more so was the thought of having his dissolved insecurities to resurface again, I was petrified by the idea of him shutting off from me, of him distrusting me.

Those few steps to the cabin felt a long way with these thoughts terrifying me to my guts! I led the door apart obscurely vigilant of my actions.

Sleathily I entered letting the door shut behind my back, his frame was visible to me....his rigid self right parallel to me albeit steps away sent sharp shivers down my spine, I looked around for any sign of mess which can possibly help me rate my anxious heart that knew no pace and kept pounding louder than ever bluntly ignorant to my pleas and pseudo assurance but found the place crystal clear I gulped not knowing if this can be contemplated as a good sign.

With gradual watchful steps I walked to his chair, the closer I got the more I could feel his rage it was when i close enough to his frame his clenched jaw and tightened fist were obviously to me leading to a pit in my stomach, my mouth turned dry or was dry for a long while I was oblivious to it.

A part of his face was to my mercy, trust me when I say this I haven't seen his face going that blood red ever this sight was promptly put to my very disliking, I took my hands slowly to rest on his shoulder down the line prepared for the harsh jerk but when after a few crucial seconds i found nothing from his side my confidence built up.

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