Chapter 27

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Amrah's POV

I was sitting down looking at my pictures we had taken earlier when I saw Adnan coming in my direction. It was a long time I had seen him and remembering what had happened the last time, I honestly thought that was the end of everything I'm just glad it isn't and I hope he still feels the same way because my feelings for him have only grown as time has passed.

He dragged a chair and sat next to me. "Hi're you?"

"Hi." I replied with a small smile. I observed his face and noticed that his beard is a lot fuller and so were his side burns and it definitely made him look more handsome. He looked tired and sleepy but that did nothing to reduce how handsome he looked. How is that even possible?

"I'm good but you look tired, aren't you feeling well?" I asked with concern.

"No actually I'm fine it's just that I'm very tired, I had a long day at work today and then I had to catch a flight back to Abuja after work."

"That's so sweet of you to come all the way just to surprise your mum. It must have been tiring."

He smiled rubbing his eyes. "Yeah but I just need to sleep and I'll be fine."

"Yeah and I think you should slow down a bit. I don't want to have to visit you in the hospital again." I said with a teasing smile.

He laughed shaking his head.


"I promise."

A while later, we were done and it was getting  quite late so I bid everyone good bye. Adnan offered to drop us home.

"No it's fine. You don't have to.."

"No I insist."

"I thought we agreed that you were going to rest?"I said in a play strict voice. "

He rolled his eyes. "Okay..."

I laughed and bid them goodbye as we went home. We went home and all the way Hanan was teasing me, she even sneakily took a few pictures of us talking. That girl!

"Sis you guys look so good together I swear!" She said with a squeal.

I smiled. "Okay that's enough. You better not open your big mouth to Maa." I warned.

"Iyyeee...Someone is in loveee..." She teased poking me playfully.

"Stop itt." I said trying to hide my blushing face.

I was helping Hanifa loosen her hair and I received a text from Adnan saying I should please come out. I quickly excused myself and went out. I popped a head out of the gate and saw him standing by his car next to the house as I walked up to him confused what was wrong.

"Hi.." I said a bit out of breath.

"Hi how're you."

"I'm fine...are you okay, is something wrong?"

"No not at all. I just came to say bye.."

"You're going back today?" I exclaimed suddenly feeling sadness washing over me.

He nodded. "Yes I have to go to work tomorrow
I still have a lot of work to do over there."

I swallowed a lump. "Sooo when are you coming back home?"

"I don't know but I'll be back as soon as I can."

I nodded slowly. "Uhm..okay May Allah bring you back safely and please take it easy on yourself."

"Ameen. Thanks a lot and I will try." He replied with a soft chuckle.

"I'm serious..and you have to promise to eat on time. Okay?"."

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