Chapter 6

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Adnan's POV

"Why aren't you ready? It's time for the dinner." Muhsin asked as he placed his cap on his head while facing the mirror

"I'm not going." I answered absentmindedly while typing on my laptop.

"Why aren't you going?"

"No reason, just not in the mood."

"You of all people should be going, there are a lot of beautiful ladies out there, you might find your match and get out of this bachelorhood."

I glared at him. "Will you get out of my sight."

"I'm telling you, there are a lot of beautiful ladies." He said as he spritzed his body with perfume.

"Do you think of anything apart from ladies."

"No wallahi, let me tell you something, women are life." He said with a grin. "Now tell me how do I look?"

"May Allah deliver you." I prayed shaking my head. He laughed as he went out.

The house was quiet now meaning everyone had probably left for the dinner. I decided to go downstairs and get some food. I came down to the living room and I saw Amrah holding my cousin's child Amaar.

She was saying something to him as he laughed. I found myself walking forward instinctively .

"...who's a cute boy, you are! yes you are!" She squealed in a silly voice as she tickled him. He was giggling happily his two front teeth showing.

I folded my arms as I watched her with a smile on my face. It was such a beautiful sight to watch. She turned around and I saw her eyes widen in fear.

"Oh hi! I didn't see you there."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to frighten you." I apologized

"It's long have you been standing there?" She asked.

I smiled amusedly as I replied. "Not too long."

Her cheeks flushed as she turned away looking embarrassed. I chuckled inwardly, she looks so cute when she's embarrassed.

"Uhm why didn't you go for the dinner." She questioned.

"I just wasn't in the mood and besides I hate crowded places." I replied sitting on the chair adjacent to her.

"Yusra isn't going to be happy."

I laughed. "I bet she won't even notice my absence."

"Oh and how is your leg now?" I questioned remembering earlier.

"It's much better."

She replied as she smiled at Amaar while she gently rocked him. She looked so motherly and just so pretty. I started to imagine her holding our baby. Mine and hers. God! Why the hell am I having such thoughts? I quickly shook my head to get rid of it.

"You seem to love kids a lot." I stated, she looked up as her eyes lit up.

"Yes oh my God! I love babies! They're so cute and tiny and just amazing." She explained animatedly. "Oh! I'm sorry, I'm blabbing." She apologized looking down.

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